various commenters #wingnut #sexist

( @polesowa )
But don't you think this is far fetched?? I don't know any friends like this and I'm in California of all places. I think election fraud is much bigger than we can imagine.


spoiler68% of Unmarried women voted
With gas and food prices at record
highs, homes being unaffordable,
violent rapists and murderers
prowling the streets, and the world
on the brink of nuclear WW3, they
stood back and said.
My biggest priority is being able to
abort my own baby

( @Theycensoredme )
Why don't all these whores just get their tubes tied...
Then they can fuck night and day at their leisure..

( @ouspensky )
@polesowa lots of batshit crazy dem chicks in my part of cali

( @Eric_Simpson )
@polesowa those are the demographic least expected to vote in the election. So they pull those names from the voter roles and create a Dem vote for them.

( @KoalaBlueGirl )
@polesowa Sadly, every white woman my age that I know (married AND unmarried), thinks EXACTLY like this. They all vote as if abortion is the most important issue.

( @Lnajpaver )
@polesowa I know a lot of women who voted this way…and the majority are single liberals. They will watch the world around them die to secure their right to have a full term baby die. Terrifying. The more unbelievable part is they are doing it for their daughter’s health…🤦🏻‍♀️

( @Faintly )
@polesowa Time to replace that gentle word "abort' with the truth- MURDER. Raise the next generation with the term MURDER your own baby...maybe it will sink into their hearts enough to matter. A 'planned murder' so you don't become a parent is not acceptable by society.

( @DavidLankester )
@polesowa The election fraud that has been going on around the world in so called "democratic" countries has been one of the biggest crimes in history.... along with the covid injection thing.

( @fairhillfarmer )
@polesowa Many of the loudest pro-abortion voices in the Media haven't ovulated since FDR was President.

( @Beasttmode )
@polesowa just think for a moment, where the country would be if women didn't have the right to vote.

( @CSAFD )
Killing an unborn child DOESNT just affect women, my ex did it to me in ‘20.



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