Mercedes Moss #fundie #magick #sexist

It was sometime in 2007 and I was in my usual place in a public library in the USA. There were angels on guard at various computers around me. Satan came in to the Library one day in the form of a young, black man about twenty-seven years old. He looked effeminate – dressed in brown leggings, calf high brown boots, turtle neck sweater, a winter coat and brown hand bag which he held over his hands like the lady in the picture below. He walked about like a woman and his short black hair was the only indication that he was male.

Accompanying him was a black individual of similar age and attire. The individual looked like a female and had thick natural black hair which was parted in two and plaited or braided in two thick plaits on each side of the head. Satan and his companion behaved like a couple in an intimate relationship.

I was accustomed to Satan appearing in different forms and did not bother with him as I was busy writing this blog.

The next day Satan appeared again with the individual. They were both similarly dressed. This time the individual was sitting at one of the computers and I had to approach that area for some reason. The individual began to speak with Satan. To my horror, the voice was deep and undoubtedly masculine. Satan’s “girlfriend” was actually a man!

I then began to really pay attention. I yelled at him in the spirit – “Satan, don’t come back here dressed like that and with that individual”. Next day he turned up still looking effeminate but not as terrible as the previous days.

See the confusion! Satan appeared as a man who looked and behaved like a woman. To top it off, he was in a relationship with a male demon who dressed and behaved like a woman!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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