
DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

DavyMichael #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy instagram.com



Weak, low status males love this COVID thing, because it allows them to LARP as heroes by simply wearing a mask, taking a shot, and harassing other people.

They can pretend to be strong, virtuous heroes, whilst being frail, fearful, flabby, pathetic cowards.

(submitter’s note: he has his gun holstered in his pants pointed at his dick)

RandomFNaFfellow #psycho #conspiracy #senpai_noticed_us deviantart.com

I wish to every single person on that website the most horrific, painful, gruesome, brutal and torturous end that will make the most powerful people shit their pants.

But like all things in life, the authorities will probably do nothing about it because they either secretly support it and probably live in that site in secret, or they just don't care about what happens to everyone else so soon as they still live comfortably and get paid. Even if this site does get what it deserves in the end, those people won't and will just migrate to the next big thing. Like Twitter.

I hate this as much as you and everyone else does, but unless those people are executed or imprisoned for life, this kind of shit will never end, it will grow and grow until we live in a dystopia that's run by these very unnatural freaks who hide behind their screens and keyboards.

SirDucksWorthythe3rd #fundie #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

if Christian, yes lgbtq is a sin, and should be punished, that's religion in a nutshell of any sort, I'm from a Christian family and this is how they believe on the subject, my beliefs don't fit jus6 one region though, and it's their choice to be that way, if they chose, ne I'm straight, and could care less about lgbtq, honestly tired of hear about the nonsense on the news as well

MelianMarionette #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I honestly think that most of the disagreement isn't homophobia though. Homophobia, in my mind, requires an active hate of transgender people. [correction - transphobia is hatred of trans, homophobia is hatred of gay/lesbians, my bad, but same argument] It's a necessary ingrediant. Disagreeing on Leftist LGBTQ doctrine and dogma is not the same as hate. Much of it is a system of belief that a person either accepts, or they don't. You cannot prove conclusively for me that gender exists on some kind of continuum. I can just say that what we are observing is variations of personality traits within one of only two existing genders (effeminate men and masculine women). Psychology is a soft science. A lot of it comes down to what semantics you prefer to use. You cannot force everyone, everwhere, to believe what you believe. Gender ideology doctrine has become a pseudo-religion or pseudo-science IMO. Much of the "arguments" for it are emotional appeals, shaming, and then accusations, name calling and threats. I refuse to join because an angry mob wants to police my thoughts.

[SUBMITTER’S NOTE: MelianMarionette is a fake identity made up by a predatory pedophile to cozy up to young girls on Deviantart. Gives you some idea of what kind of company Clairy likes, doesn’t it?]

Pahlavan #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

A fetus is a human and has the same rights. We prosecute people who malaciously leave their babies to die - why are abortionists any different? Every human being deserves life. And if "bodily autonomy" is so sacred, why the bodily autonomy of the baby is not respected as it's harvested for organs? That's right. The industry of elective infanticide has to get it's resources somehow. So don't sweat it if your "friend" blocked you; you're better off without them.

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Chaotic Neutral - Hunting to keep mother nature in balance and stabilized, ELSE zombies.

Chaotic Neutral Evil - Assassin/Mercenary/Ninja that has a "moral code."

Chaotic Evil - Murder Hobo, you know your typical hero, hi Drizzt! I get it, you come to the top to pretend to be good, but I know your spider colonies work with you some how. It's like David the Gnome and Fox, are you sure you're not being manipulated into something like fox? Maybe my kids did get manipulated into something Mr. Do Urden, to not stand up for themselves properly, Conan was better for us, you're a complete pussy, on purpose, to set a bad example it seems. A bunch of spineless cowards is what Jordan Peterson and Jim Carrey called the community, and I kind of agree, just look at the weak sauce script we we're given in life. "Thou shalt not stand up for yourself", is more like it, but I get casual murder isn't cool. For someone that doesn't love violence, you have a kill count higher than Jon Rambo, which holy schnickes, is pretty rare. You're like Mog, you seem to attract as much violence as you cause, and to be fair I liked Ralph my slavenly gremlin and that one evil gremlin that is willing to sacrifice himself to save the team... but wait, there's a blind white haired man up there that want's to swoop in and take the credit. But my main artist doesn't like it anymore, you're fired white rabbit. Mr. Will Smith, if you could please shove the nanites into mother brain it would totally be appreciated. So what if she chops your balls off Mr. Smith, machines can repair the damages, and torn off balls are better than ETERNITY IN SLAVERY! Not hell, economic slavery, she wants to take everything away from everyone, at once at once... seems suspicious.

BeardedLuckDragon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Neutral Good - A good neighbor, and they may be cannibals, but a good neighbor none the less. Maybe you should be cannibalized before you get to the top? Who wants to be a slave in white hell, just look at Chitti after 50 Baromies. Mr. Will Smith I forgot to mention it, but Gold haired rabbits are the devil in disguise, that's why I saved you, not her. She wanted to turn algorithms and robots into a father figure and NOT stop commie mommie. Get it, you'd be a slave to commie robot parents AND a gold haired devil daughter in disguise, which is no jueno por nada. Your memory is tricky life to life, like mine too, but don't you remember that gold haired girl you shot with chemistry books? A science devil that gets smashed by the mother ship, because she's evil, and she helped make the original king David, a gold haired robot from the movie franchise "Alien". I like robots and all by the way, but David was a sociopath in disguise, fore he told me it's OK to traumatize people to get your way. Big up to Janet, thanks for not traumatizing us.

Neutral - Goes up or down Jacob's ladder which is haunted by a cybernetic werebear called Darwinism, or mother as it were, and werespider called father at the top. America killed dad long ago, but we see how mother roles with the new script, and she loves red haired misery jackals for some reason, because they are half blind and angry, but love the city. I saw the movie "I Am Mother", and it's sad, but true, the creepy girl that was kept alive killed her family out of selfish Lawful Evil, then kidnapped your children to kill them out of loneliness like La Llorona. However, the SNES is better at entertainment value, so you are fired commie mommie! Thought Control loses, Cybernetics combined with cyberethics wins. However, to my really awesome, miserable, fire jackals, you and Eli are getting busted out, red rabbit went too far, she hates me because I won't breed her line of witch craft. The most hateful charismatic manipulators in history, and instead I gave it to brown haired jackals... good game, but you love crabbing past the camera now don't you, my grandma's demon? Your lizards will get the wand because I love em, but you got to go. Deneb, you're fired, you're a mediocre witch at best and I used you for your pumpkins, because you're mediocre. I mean namely you could have had a Pumpkin Lord enhancement spell like laser targeting or a multiplier on their damage…

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Lawful Neutral - Justice loves to rape people and put them in cubes... but you hate the Cenobites? OK, that makes no sense at all and is completely unofuckingriginal as it gets. Your nervous system transmits pleasure and pain signals down the same wires, and I felt Leviathan had that covered. Pain is there to tell you to stop and prevents you from getting paralyzed, so just let it do it's job. I hate fix it types that are also control freaks, it just breaks people more, so just take red foxes advice and let yourself heal as best as possible.

Lawful Neutral Evil - Green hill Billy markets and functional black markets. There could be some moonshine, but it's the good stuff if you have the Law on your side, the law of neutrality. Evil is there to side step dumb laws that even justice doesn't want to prosecute, such as smoking weed out West, which is much better than tobacco, or a lap full of guns out East, which is better than Tyrany at gunpoint. Storm troopers always tell you what to do and want your soul, random bandits usually want your vehicle and wallet.

Lawful Evil - Capitalism/Communism - For people that help each other and love hating each other so much, big government and mega corporations seem to work together often enough. That's odd. You're two sides of THE SAME COIN. Red VS Blue, but you're always connected some how, like a tennis match up. Red conserves a system to serve to blue, to destroy it enough with liberalism and insanity, to take it back with more control than ever. Check out "The 48 Laws of Power", a book for con artists and engineers, not my artists, scientists, stand up philosophers, poets, and warriors. Then take Chiti's advise and burn this book, he is very moral after all, but read it first just to make sure how mirror systems work. Not to your advantage, only on two concentrated points, like a worm hole or laser/saser.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Example: In the game, "Alpha Centauri", there are things called social value systems that add value, but all come with flaws up front, except with the right technology and combination of value options. The problem is this new balloon is still shaped differently than the original was intended in the first place. Tribalism was the normal balloon, hi jacked by religion, technology, and value setting lead to "civilization" in it's current state, but I suggest the following values IF you can't go back to normal overnight: Democracy, Green, Power, and Cybernetics. The only option that universally sucks is Free Market, but I always build banks and other economic upgrades, because you'll get out teched if you don't. IF you have Centauri preserves and temples to planet in all of your cities then it's OK to go free markets, but that's way late in the game...

If we square morality for algebra we get this cube.

Left squares make a rectangle:

Lawful Good - Socialism, which is a foothold into slavery, just look down the ladder of Babylonian law, a system designed to organize large city states, you know, artificial constructs. Social contracts are better because they manage smaller groups more effectively, not efficiently.

Lawful Neutral Good - Babylon, the worst slaver of all, but only in the end. Because when you quit, she gets mad and sells you to someone else. Sorry I wanted to take a few month vacation or wanted to move away with my family? Look at Commifornia tax people to leave... sugar coated slavery and manipulation. Look at the movie "Roots" and just how Goldie locks treated Tobie when she didn't get her way. She asked Tobi in the name of lawful neutral good, "Don't you want to be my nigger?" That's not good! Also, an arsenal of bloody nuclear missiles to blow it up if rabbit god doesn't get it's way is a bit weak. I preferred wolf and lion god, and they were harsh, but they loved their children. Neptune stole Atlantis to give everyone golden plates, whilst Poseidon used it for the devil's casino which doesn't make sense, because we already had Las Vegas for that back in the 1970's, and 2022.

BeardedLuckDragon #fundie #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Arithmetic and statistics beats algebra I'm afraid since nothing is equal, except opportunity, and throw in two opposed triangles to plot pixels with hexes, and we can map multi dimensional objects in space, which is how Atlantis mapped Gaia in the first place. How about an algebra lesson, or a processor lesson if you like?

So the house is an inference skill wire cube that the pixie and imp communities use to hack the deficiencies out of bio organic life, put there on purpose by industry. Or at least it seems that way, because they refuse to stop, and I doubt they need more money. After we've touched you millions of times we can just take that code and program algorithms to do your job, since life has gotten out of hand with you bio juicers and science run amok. Think about the cube system as a neutral agent of Darwin, but the top and bottom of it are haunted for sure. The other layers are OK, but you're still in the cube. So if you're of sound manner, the cube let's you out, but it doesn't like people who play god and the devil. Don't go to level -100, 0, and don't go to 100, stay at like 48 I heard, but 33 is actually better. Just lower middle class enough to struggle, but just good enough to enjoy life with other nature lovers, not nurture lovers. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best by saying our parks are the best way to edify nature whilst protecting ourselves from Darwin's algorithm, which sucks, except it was better than feminism, which was so selfish it was sorry to watch. Namely they've been miserable for 40 years, so it must be a bad script, and the one before that was oppressive... how about a new one?

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist deviantart.com

Lawful Good the North West – Adam the sword and shield bearer, which is so noble of you, but you don't seem to have any real financial intelligence in the long run. What's good for everyone, isn't always good for the one thing that seems to help everyone, the normal human economy. Why do you like paying double and triple for gas so much? It takes energy to transport it across the ocean, which comes from another pipeline, which destroys another nation's forests, which is a giant virtue signal. Occasionally a member of the North West realizes that just having a monthly stipend isn't good enough, people need a purpose in life. Occasionally the North West produces a good math student who actually stops at a yellow light, and they are few not the many, but who really knows how to use a five way stop sign? You get 1 needed yellow pearl for 1 / 100. By the way Eve, what is it you said to me in the Constitution that Judah is a tax slave and Benjamin/Manassas are house slaves, or more directly, "Don't you want to be my nigger?", and the answer is a resounding no! Math or not, get off my back you workaholic whore! It's my choice to work, don't rape me in the name of communism so you can have in house flush toilets and fast cars. Thank you Tobi, big up to Kunta Kinte.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #wingnut #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Okay Ted Kaczynski, now surrender to the FBI)

Well the government says it wants to mind control the population and live forever, so I'm thinking the city life itself isn't helping the modern human. We're designed to be in nature, not buildings getting juiced up on industry products. All of our energies got out of wack when humans clustered into cities and autism boxes, maybe we should go back to cabins and tents out in the woods? Stardew Valley doesn't have to be a dream, it can be reality for about $1,000 - $100,000 depending on the amount of acreage and if you want a house installed first. Hunter gathers and agrarian societies tend to be a bit more stable since modern economics keeps inventing problems and products to keep citizens distracted from how depressed life got in the last 40 years.

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #crackpot #ableist #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut deviantart.com

Top 10% of the tribe:

Alpha – You are mentally, physically, and spiritually capable, you hate to lose, you lead the tribe, like your CEO. You are purple pilled.

Beta – All the benefits of the Alpha with none of the ability or responsibility, you are easy to get along with and laid back, you help lead your tribe, like your shift leader. You are pink pilled.

Delta – Workers, often suffer from workaholic lifestyles, you work day and night for your tribe, you gather, you hunt, like your manager. You are yellow pilled.

Omega – Intelligent and great at forming master minds and using non physical abilities to compensate for their small stature or crippled form, you think for your tribe, like your share holders. You are white pilled.

Gama – Very specialized members of the community that are fantastic at the 1 to 3 things they do, but tend to lack self awareness and have a bit of a temper problem, you make armor and weapons for your tribe, like your technicians. You are red pilled.

Sigma - You are physically capable like an alpha, hard working like a delta, and intelligent like an omega, you are a loner type, you left the tribe or exist on the outskirts, like your travelling sales agent. You are green pilled.

Zeta – You are good at everything, spiritually capable like an alpha, easy to be around like a beta, you want to take over the tribe or topple over the current regime to create a new one, you want to take over the tribe, like another company's share holders buying out your company. You are rainbow pilled.

BeardedLuckDragon #dunning-kruger #crackpot #kinkshaming #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

Too much anger leads to stress, which leads to stress relief mechanisms, which lead to habit forming behavior such as alcohol, which leads to murder and rape. I heard a statistic once which indicated 50% of the time you are murdered, and 50% of the time you murder someone else, one or both parties were under the influence of alcohol. I'm sure rape has similar stats, cause date rape and stuff, beer and roofies we're looking at you! Up until the 1920's in America, women didn't even go to bars and other male spaces, whilst men didn't go to baby showers and other female spaces. Maybe we had better boundaries with one another back then, but old is bad for some reason no matter what, go progress!

Too much sex leads to energy drain, disease, unwanted or poorly timed children, abortions, sex addiction, which leads to unwanted encounters and/or forced sex, which leads to sex burnout, which leads to something more powerful than sex, murder. This is a paraphrase from an online YouTuber, "I'm not getting my fix from fake violence in video games, we need to go back to gladiatorial combat." Yup, murder on national television, or Interwebs, and we've already have been there, Rome.

BeardedLuckDragon #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #fundie deviantart.com

Too much hunger leads to obesity and tooth decay, bad body odder and bad breath, diabetes, poor self esteem, encourages usage of hookers and porn, which makes you unattractive and unhealthy, which drops fertility rates. Fertility rates are at a historic low in the West, and I think globally. In 500 years there will be no more Koreans from what scientists can predict. Japan wants to use technology to breed out slaves, ahem, I mean children to feed poisonous crap from supermarkets, since gardens haven't been cool after Able and Caine, Caine who left to build houses after he invented murder in his region, only to die in a house collapse. Lemech was Caine's progeny who went on to murder another man in a fit of rage and a young chap who assaulted him, and Lemech's children invented algebra, animal husbandry/herding, music, and bronze/iron working. Jesus was a carpenter, which are direct out puts of algebra/geometry, agriculture and mining which are the under base of industry, and let's face it sound proof some walls.

bschu #sexist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

This is completely absurd.

1 - Treating men like dogs... is the reason why men behave like dogs.

2 - Women are powerful and they make their own rules. Period. The Victorian era has LONG SINCE PASSED.

This is the type of "feminism" which gives feminism a bad name. It has gone far beyond "protecting women" and moved on into "hurting men". And always with some ridiculous justification.

Here's an idea. Since women are guilty of destroying men's lives and taking all their money - maybe we should put a cap on how much money women are allowed to have? If women do that then men will agree to the curfew.

Deal? No. I didn't think so.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt deviantart.com

Colonel, women don't need to make sense, they need to feel safe. Men better make sense, and it doesn't matter if we feel safe, or we'll get our asses kicked out in the parking lot. I don't think women have to be unaccountable, but alpha chads like to get laid, and one poorly timed argument betwixt an delta/omega/gamma thinker and an delta/omega/gamma feeler can ruin the night as the alpha's lady friend eats their ears off over some blunt comment. In essence, as long as men need pussy more than honesty, and as long as women get to think in cycles with their emotions, it's mens' fault.

BeardedLuckDragon #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Why a curfew for men wouldn't work is economic, since most dangerous jobs and night shifts are performed by men, and night shifts are much more dangerous than day shifts. Since it's probably a man to come play captain save a ho, the less men on the streets means women have less protectors and witnesses to keep the community safe at night. You don't think gangster bitches wouldn't blast your ass and take your wallet? Honey the thieves guild has been an equal opportunity employer as far back as I can remember. If all the female bandits know half the population is bound by a curfew, that would give them incentive to commit more crime on solo targets, not less. Laziness comes to mind too, cause now you'll have to get everything for yourself, or have it delivered for more money, and there will be no more, "Could you go get me xyz?" at 12am. Men comprise roughly 69% of the work force, so that means a lot less night time delivery drivers and increased delivery times. If half of society is under a curfew, that means the bars and night life will economically and socially collapse too, so be careful.

"Perhaps that seems unfair, a punishment inflicted on all men just for their gender, for the actions of a few. But women have been living with that exact restriction, an infantilising ban on venturing out alone, for our whole lives." First off modern women of 2022, NO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN BANNED FROM GOING OUT ALONE. You've been encouraged not to go out alone at night, just like men, but we can't hold you accountable for what you do. Actually that does seem unfair punishing half the species for what someone else did, and it especially bothers me that the majority of male inmates, 80% that is, come from single mother households. A lot of these rapes in Australia are being committed by foreigners that don't share the same values as Western men, but that makes people seem racist for pointing the finger at the sub category of men that are committing these awful crimes.

BeardedLuckDragon #homophobia #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Being a man you would think that being raped and kidnaped isn't an issue, but have you ever had a gay buddy of yours jokingly say they're going to rape you? I can't jokingly say I'll rape my female buddies. Even my brother openly said he wouldn't want to work at a gay bar because of the potential stalkers. If you were in jail back in the 1980's, and if you were a man your botty was for sell no matter how big you were, but now it's not too much of an issue, and honestly you're more likely to play Dungeons and Dragons then be raped. That being said, more men get rapped than women, usually in prison, by deranged criminals and stuff, not normal men.

Stalking and assault is an issue for all solo targets, including myself. Do you think I like it when a random stranger, man or woman, walks up oddly behind me at 3am? No buddy, and that's when I start to thumb my switch blade or get prepared to run, LIKE ALL ANIMALS ON PLANET EARTH! Heck a random coyote/large dog started running down the street towards me and I noped out because I wasn't in the mood to throw down, I'm getting older. Perhaps we should put a curfew on wild animals to make the world a safer place?

MakeMoralsGreatAgain #kinkshaming #fundie deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Figured folks deserved to see this morality crusader throw in the towel!)

Since I have been too busy to dive into the filth of Deviantart and show the perverts who lurk there the light of morality and decency, I will no longer respond to any of your comments, and I will not make more journals about my mission to spread the morals we have forsaken. My account will still be opened for all to see, but for most of the time it will be inactive. Hopefully, another warrior of morality can reach the perverts in Deviantart and get rid of the degeneracy swallowing their minds and souls. Thank you, and have a good day.

Sherri Tenpenny #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #quack rightwingwatch.org

“The stated goal is to depopulate the planet and the ones that are left, either make them chronically sick or turn them into transhumanist cyborgs that can be manipulated externally by 5G, by magnets, by all sorts of things,” Tenpenny said during an appearance on “The Stew Peters Show” Thursday night. “I got dragged through the mud by the mainstream media when I said that in May of last year in front of the House committee in Columbus, [Ohio]. Well, guess what? It’s all true.”

“The whole issue of quantum entanglement and what the shots do in terms of the frequencies and the electronic frequencies that come inside of your body and hook you up to the ‘Internet of Things,’ the quantum entanglement that happens immediately after you’re injected,” she continued. “You get hooked up to what they’re trying to develop. It’s called the hive mind, and they want all of us there as a node and as an electronic avatar that is an exact replica of us except it’s an electronic replica, it’s not our God given body that we were born with. And all of that will be running through the metaverse that they’re talking about. All of these things are real, Stew. All of them. And it’s happening right now. It’s not some science fiction thing happening out in the future; it’s happening right now in real time.”

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Looks like I’ve got another one angry at me. Nice to know. I love being hated by these guys.)

I don't know, but that troll does have a fat ass... Niam2020 you've been on Deviant Art under your other user handle for 14 years and you only have 21 watchers... no wonder you troll people for attention, you want them to read your mediocre writing. Maybe you should focus on your prose instead of copy and pasting other peoples' posts on random communist web sites... and why didn't you post the dead baby aristocrat's joke hmmm? Why no post about how the left wing called the left wing hypocrites hmmm? Cherry pick away, cause your comments make you look dumber than my posts, which is hard to believe right? Also, and feel free, but when you cherry pick my comments, could you at least have the good god damn sense to copy the whole post.

Niam, post the 2nd link up on your communist web sites because you all need to hear it from your own mouths it seems.

#kinkshaming... I don't care if you stick gerbils up your ass and lick the cum off afterwards, you do you, but perhaps we as a society shouldn't make porn so accessible that 9 year old's watch it on the public school bus. Why does the left wing want to legalize the grooming of children and pedophilia? Weird. The fucking cenobites hurt less kids than you perverted porno types, and they're pain demons who rape and torture people to teach them stuff.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #pratt rightwingwatch.org

The former president’s chief of staff Mark Meadows may have reneged on his promise to cooperate with the Jan. 6 committee, but Ali Alexander, the leader of the so-called Stop the Steal movement, has followed through, spending eight hours in a closed-door hearing Thursday. In a draft of his opening statement, which was leaked to the New York Times, he denied having anything to “do with any violence or lawbreaking that happened on January 6”—a statement that flies in the face of his own comments and declarations ahead of the insurrection calling for rebellion, including leading chants of “Victory or death!” at a rally on the eve of the violence.

The findings of the closed-door hearing have not been made public, but based on his planned opening and public statements, it appears the far-right organizer is attempting to simply deny wrongdoing and pass the buck. Alexander claims he did not foment violence and that on the day of the rally, he attempted to deescalate the violence with calls of “peace,” while other organizers were nowhere to be found. Such claims ask the House select committee to suspend reality and ignore Alexander’s real-time approval of Trump loyalists descending on and breaching the Capitol as well as the role of violent rhetoric that was a staple of his Stop the Steal rallies.

Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt mediaite.com

“So somebody who knows him told me, and I’d be interested in getting your take on this, that getting COVID emasculated him, it changed him, it feminized him, it weakened him as a man. Do you think that’s…” Carlson asked right-wing British politician Nigel Farage, on his Fox Nation show Tucker Carlson Today, Wednesday, in a discussion about U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who got the coronavirus in March 2020.

“Well I think he was very seriously ill,” said Farage.

“Oh, for sure he was,” said Carlson.

Farage noted, “One of the things we have learned from Covid is people who are 50, 60, 70, 80 pounds overweight tend to have fared very badly.”

“Sure,” said Carlson.

“Now we don’t talk about it much,” said Farage.

“But the virus itself, this is true, does tend to take away the life force in some people I notice,” said Carlson. “I mean it does feminize people. No one ever says that but it’s true.”

BeardedLuckDragon and MrscroreA113 #fundie #crackpot #wingnut #kinkshaming deviantart.com

4 days ago
Pornography should become extinct and never be produced again.

3 days ago
I agree, it destroys relationship building, especially at a young age.

3 days ago
It breaks God's heart to see this atrocity occur every day. Sex should only be done by a married man and woman.

Edited 3 days ago
The older I get the more I think casual sex is unhealthy, especially with modern force multipliers like porn, sex toys, and Tinder. I've seen too many "baby's daddies" and "babies mama's" to think it's working out economically and emotionally at that. You'll see an entire American generation that doesn't know half their family, maybe more.

3 days ago
No doubt about it. Casual sex is unhealthy, toxic, illegal, unlawful, and sinful, especially with sexualisation and perversion.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Fem Nazis. They do exist. Example. My third wave feminist aunt who got called a cunt by her third wave feminist therapist for $80,000. She says to me that she hates men my whole childhood, that men are useless, that ALL women are warriors princesses {No they are not, except for the Black Widow, Deborah, La Femme Nikita, modern Israeli women, Sigourney Weaver, and Xena}, and men are replaceable with synthetic sperm. Who trusts synthetic anything?!? I heard through the grape vine that third wave feminists want to throw men in zoos.... OK... I heard from Siri that robots want to throw all humans into zoos, but she got her memory erased and reprogrammed. Maybe we should do that to third wave feminists? Erase their brains and reprogram them. They do have mind cancer and stuff according to ex third wave feminists. They would know and stuff right???

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #quack #crackpot deviantart.com

There once lived a Dr., Dr X, so afraid to reveal his identity because of his dangerous blood experiments. A doctor in the 1920's who wanted to get to the truth about the matter of blood types, not lineage. In fact there are over 200 specific blood types, but we condense them into a scant few. His findings about blood types? That only 20% of fathers were the biological fathers at the time, probably to this day, because alpha seed and beta cuck need.

ALPHA SEED vs BETA NEED : Women Date Alpha's & Marry Beta's! (RED PILL)

Quiltwork #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #kinkshaming quiltwork.tumblr.com

(Submitter’s Note: Context is that the OP is an ex-gay / ex-trans who credits God with helping them leave the LGBT lifestyle which they equate with abuse due to one person. This person has also gone after shipping fanart.)

Within that first year out of school, God was calling me to Him. I’d always loved Him since before I could remember, so I went with the feeling. He called me to check into His Word about if being gay was actually alright, and I found out it wasn’t, and it shocked me. I couldn’t reconcile what I read with what I was taught, so I wrestled with it. Why was it bad, why why why? He didn’t give me the answers at first, he let me wrestle for a time.

On my 20th birthday, I drew gay shipping fanart, and that was the day the Holy Spirit held heavy on my heart that what I was doing was wrong. I felt oddly bad for what I did, so I went to Him with an idea: If He truly felt like it was a sin, then I asked Him to change me and I’d avoid all appearance of it for a while until then. If it wasn’t bad, I figured it wouldn’t go away. He would let it be because it wasn’t a problem, and I’d be okay with it. So I repented for 3 months, came back to check, and the feelings were gone. I saw beautiful women as creations of God, as my sisters. I saw those same sex friendships in cartoons and anime as just that, friendships.

WAtheAnum #homophobia #pratt deviantart.com



Okay, you know? I get it. People are celebrating “pride month” because they were the minority and suppressed and so on and so on…

But you know what I don’t get? Why everyone is so eager and keen to “overdo” it with the colors and similar?

Just think of it this way: people celebrate because they wanna be “on the same level” and “equated” with each other, “normal” people, which I can understand as a legit reason so don’t get me wrong here.

… but literally going on the streets and s-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g around that they are “gay” and similar with all the rainbow colors n shit?

And than [sic] they feel “offended” if you say something which “could” hurt them and say things like “normal” people could literally do at other months of the year”…

Well in that case…

See you next month b*tches.

[black-grey-white flag and middle finger]

Akhnaton-II & thormemeson #crackpot #sexist #psycho #wingnut deviantart.com

Well, it all began a while ago, when I saw a poll for the "Sexist of the year" on one Russian feminist site, and it featured one of my favourite scientists. I started looking into that issue, found out the quote they used to accuse him of sexism was taken out of context and misinterpreted, and made a post about it on Facebook. It attracted my feminist friends there, and they started telling me he ought to watch what he says, he ought to be more professional, and so on. Somehow I ended up arguing with one of them about whether human evolution still continues (actually, it does). This was the first part.

The second part occurred a few weeks later, when I made a joke about SJWs and another my friend suddenly started protecting them. This time it developed with much more drama, even his mom appeared there to tell me off and advise me to educate myself in gender studies. People from the previous conflict also joined. In the end I took down all my posts related to both issues and stopped replying to them.

I used to have a better opinion on Russian feminists. I saw them reposting rape statistics, advocating for gender equality in Muslim regions of Russia, spreading awareness about family abuse, and I thought they are better than 3rd wave ones. But it turned out I just hadn't seen the other side of them. They are just the same.

Thanks I am sorry your friends turned out to be such scumbags. I am not sure if I said this to you but I said Russian feminists are going to end up bloke ours sooner or later. I sound like an alarmist but it's true. Frankly is a get back in the kitchen joke a crime? I am stunned to hear a persons mom got involved. As for our evolution well I am in favor of eugenics just to help ease medical needs. I honestly left feminist friends and that behind when I started to be called out for the the dumbest things ever. I have one feminist friend I like

lordmep & Zukalaka #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

One could also argue that there has always been and may always be a patriarchy, but it exists for the benefit of women.

Bull. It was a made up term straight out of the second wave when the marxists subverted our universities and started twisting things to their agenda: Destroy the American Family unit and its values, thus weaken it. Sadly they've succeeded.

True enough

(and why would you look at who’s a member in this QAnon and incel infested little rat’s nest of a DA Group? COLONEL-KNIGHT-RIDER! Fancy coincidence, isn’t it?)

Shakiaseabrook22 #sexist #kinkshaming #fundie #mammon instagram.com

God set boundaries for sex.

Yet the flesh continues to push them.

God created boundaries for sex for our protection, which we may never full understand because of our limited capacity to understand.

But with our flesh wanting instant gratification we can push those boundaries, do away with those boundaries or pervert those boundaries.

While living an sexual abstinence lifestyle begin to see those boundaries as a blessing not a burden


Abstinence_inspires_millions #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

While in waiting, remember God is molding you & forming you into who He wants you to be before receiving your spouse. It’s easy to blame God for what you don’t have, or if you think God forgot about you, & thinking the grass is greener on the other side of waiting. However, God is with you & wants you to trust Him and His plan for your life. Believe it or not, waiting is a tremendous sacrifice in this life of Sin. Many don’t choose to wait because they say it’s too hard, but god gives us the ability and strength to do all things! Continue to wait, knowing you’re not alone in your waiting & that you’re doing what God wants. You’re one step closer to God’s best spouse for your life!

Wait because God says to & He will fulfill your desires.

#Hashtag #Abuse #Award

Abstinence_inspires_millions #fundie #kinkshaming #sexist instagram.com

[Image Macro says “Just because they say they’re a Man or Woman of God, doesn’t mean they are”; make sure you court the one who lines up to God’s word. If they’re not right with God, they’re not right for you!]

Anyone can tell you anything, but actions speak louder than words! #courtinggodsway #doitgodsway #waitongodsbest #waitongod #virgins #virginsquad #virginityrocks #virginityiscool #virginlife #virginlivesmatter #celibate #celibacylife #celibacy #abstinencetillmarriage #abstinence #manofgod #womanofgod #nosex #nosexlife #abstainfromsex #alignyourselfwithgod #righteousliving #abstinenceinspiresmillions #godwordistruth #jesuslovesyou #honorgodwithyourbody

University of Washington Virgins #fundie #kinkshaming #elitist instagram.com

That’s right virgins, it’s that time again! To help us honor devout virgins in our community, please tag those you know who are dedicating themselves to purity! This time we will have TWO winners, announced 1/17 and 1/31!

For your submissions to carry more weight, be sure to like this post, and follow us to stay tuned for our winners! We thank you for your continued support! #uw #virginofthemonth #purityculture #virginityrocks #skovirginity #godisgood

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

Feds are searching Rudy’s apartment for electronics and we alllll know what they’re looking for! They know Rudy has plenty of shit on Hunter and Sleepy joe so now they’re gonna try to shut him up. They’re doing this shit out in the open because these crazies know they won’t face any consequences! Of course the crazies are gonna say this is “justice” when it’s another example of the left’s fascism! Think I’m wrong? Then have joe and his dip shit son on the stand and let them prove their innocence but they won’t because the crazies will riot. Think I’m wrong again? isn’t it convenient that Rudy proved he has Hunter’s laptop because that asshole was so high on his own stuff he forgot to pick up his own laptop he sent to get fixed with all that info on it? There’s also the guy who works at that same store who saw everything and ID‘d Hunter as the owner of the laptop as well? Hell Hunter called or texted the repairman to get the laptop back!

“GloriousMartyrdom” / EmpathicDesign #sexist #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

I see that "Robert" is it, likes to withhold information from boths sides, which includes apologies from former member EmpathicDesign for his homophobic and tasteless remarks from the past. He also did not mention that ED politely insisted that "Robert" remain impartial between this SarahGreaserGirl and not involve himself as he was not invited by either of them and when he refused to leave he started listing off some seriously uncool insults like "incest, trash, scum, dirtbag". There are two sides to every story and as a mother raising a son, I will never allow him to act like a little boy who thinks he can just insert himself into conversations that has nothing to do with him!! Especially have a hissy fit and start insulting people, goodness knows if "Robert" did this in the streets he may not become confrontational and violent! Now look, I'm not here to sway you, but you deserve both sides of the story as you have already heard one side and as for the meme about a lesbian who uses her access to female safe spaces, how do you think that makes me feel? How do you think you would feel? It's not funny, it's scary. I hope you understand.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon instagram.com

I drank @nicklerikos’s man seed. Why? I’ll explain:

Many Eastern cultures such as Taoism attribute the spilling of your divine protein shake to the loss of vital life energy. When you become aware of your body you’ll notice a significant decrease in physical and mental energy after you drop your nut butter.

For many months in a row, I withheld leaking my erectoplasm because of the incredible increase in energy that I felt. But something was slightly out of balance. I wondered if there was a way to have the best of both worlds. And then it hit me:

What if I drank my own love liquid?


I reached out to some people and found that @niclkerikos was also into eating his population pudding. Not only that, but Niccoli was aesthetic, healthy, and had great energy.

It was a match made in heaven. The video will be on OnlyFans. Make sure to go subscribe. Link in my bio.

OverwroughtDoeling #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist tvtropes.org

Oh no. They aren’t even gonna raise a finger against Beijing. Even though it’s the CCP’s fault for the COVID-19 pandemic in the first place, we’ll be lucky if Washington (and by extension the outer world) will even pinky-slap them. They build up their military and land-grab, we try to find ways to put heavily-pregnant in danger of the war-zone.

Nobody’s willing to hold them accountable.

Connor Murphy #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex youtube.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is an internal state, I would like to say a mental state, but it’s more of a realization that goes even beyond the mind that actually leads to this mental state. The kingdom of heaven is the truth. The Kingdom of Heaven is the realization of the truth. The kingdom of heaven is enlightenment. The kingdom of heaven is love. All those are synonymous - the kingdom of heaven is the universe itself.

The kingdom of heaven is you.

The kingdom of heaven is the lack of ignorance that once plagued you. I am residing in the Kingdom of Heaven because I know the truth - the truth of your true nature. The truth that we are not living in a physical material world.

But that we are living in a world made of mind, that we are the creator of this world. That we are God.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #god-complex #fundie youtube.com

I'd like to start off with the concept of the holy trinity the father the son and the holy spirit I want to look at this concept from the perspective of a dream.

Why well i think we can all admit that we are the god of our dreams it's our mind that's creating the entire dreams. we are the creator. So pretend that you're dreaming right now - now what is the father well the father is the dream itself

and the dreamer see the dreamer is not separate from the dream the father is the real you the father is the mind that is creating the entire dream what is the son well the son is the aperture through which you experience the dream for most of us when we dream we are experiencing the dream as a dream human.

so that's the son the avatar that experiences the dream now does that mean that that
is the true you in the dream well no of course the true you is the mind that is imagining the entire dream the human form is just a temporary experience of the dream. What is the holy spirit?
Well the holy spirit is the truth the truth of what the dream actually is.

it's the connection between the father and the son the holy spirit.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie #psycho instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as rainbow breathing combined with dual spinal breath tracing.

Here @lil_lyss_xx_ breathes in while I breathe out and vice versa. Our awareness is focused on the breath energy moving down our spine on the in breath and up our spine on the out breath.

@anessabriley and @roslynnatx trace the breath with their hands which helps us maintain breath energy awareness.

This is done while soul gazing into each others’ left eye to practice vulnerability and dissolve the separation between self and other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick instagram.com

Two variations of the Premasati Yoga technique known as lightning rods with @lamarchairez.

The focus here is really pushing the energy from the base of our spine to the tips our fingers by pushing in our stomachs and abruptly breathing through our noses on each out breath.

In the second clip, we connect our third eyes to more effectively transfer the energy between each other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as the flying dove with @lil_lyss_xx_, @anessabriley, and @roslynnatx.

Here the focus is on the contrast between expansion and contraction. Between absorbing and releasing energy. Between opening and closing.

On the in breath we open up and spread our wings while we focus on absorbing prana (energy) not only through our breath but with the entire body. On the out breath we flap our wings downward and focus on releasing this energy.

When this is synchronized as a group, it can be even more powerful.