Congressman Paul Gosar & various #wingnut

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Restoring the integrity of our elections must be a top priority.

Half of America holds legitimate concerns about our electoral processes - lawmakers are not doing their jobs as Representatives if they refuse to listen and act.

( @GeisterJager )

All due respect sir, from out here it appears to be far more than half....

( @Lethn )
@GeisterJager @DrPaulGosar RINOs are scum.

( @MyChristianPage )
@DrPaulGosar neither are governors if they fail to act. Ban ballot boxes, ban voting machines, ban mail in ballots, require serial numbers on ballots made in America, voter id, and security cameras watching votes counted, with poll watchers on both sides present. Fixed .

( @Zozzo )

spoilerWhat has the GOP done about
election fraud?
What has the GOP done about the
What has the GOP done about
vaccine mandates?
What has the GOP done about
Answer: Nothing

( @goldstandard88 )
@DrPaulGosar did we ever have election integrity to begin with? I am thinking that trump was the first potus that was elected by the people.... every president before him was selected, not elected.

( @97tucker )
@DrPaulGosar where the hell have you been since 2020. You fools/cowards allowed the joke that is pedo biden to be inaugurated. That would have been the time to fix the elections. But you all were too busy shoving a poisonous vax down our throats. Stop running your mouth, grow a pair, do the will of the American ppl or STFU and stand aside.



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