Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(submitter note: he gives alot of links to other stories, alot of which I’m a bit skeptical of for a variety of reasons, still, ya’ll can go through them to see if this guy’s sources to see if they are accurate or not)

Leftist Violence Continues to Rise.
“My son stayed home from school on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment and we drove by the high school to go vote. When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon,” she said. “My son is the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life.”

The Trump campaign confirmed that both Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle were at the polling place on Tuesday.

Campbell told Fox News that later in the day, her son was invited to volunteer at the polling site and hold Trump signs outside the school.

“I was apprehensive about him wearing the MAGA hat, because we know it can provoke and we know people don’t like Trump,” she explained. “But he wore the hat because he’s a proud 15-year-old and he doesn’t know what people are going to be like.”

Campbell said she dropped her son off to volunteer at the school.

“My son was standing outside on the sidewalk and he said ‘have a nice night,’ he said it to everyone. But this man was triggered,” Campbell explained. “He said ‘f--- you’ to him and wound up his hand as fast as he could and slapped him across the face.”

Campbell said that a man, also wearing a MAGA hat, came over to intervene. According to Campbell, that man now has a fractured jaw.

Campbell told Fox News that her husband is a firefighter in town and was on duty during the incident.

“He got the call about the assault and didn’t know it was our son until he got there,” she explained.

“He’s the sweetest kid,” Campbell said of her son. “He was so excited and not realizing that something like this could happen.”

Since the incident Tuesday, Campbell said her son is “pretty traumatized.”

“This guy lives in our town. It’s pretty unnerving,” she said, but added that her son has been going to school and is getting “a lot of support from his peers.”


The (stunningly) sad part? The tacit acceptance Trump-haters have for this type of violence. Even sadder? The large amount of Trump-haters who will deny it to you face, but are 100% ok with Trump supporters being attacked violently. The saddest of all? I am not being hyperbolic *****

— PenitentThief (@ThiefPenitent)

*****- and the sad bit is, the very FIRST comment on this journal, was made by just such a person.


How much longer before innocent people begin dying? Will the MSM / Dems condemn it? We didn't hear a PEEP when Republicans senators were shot up at a baseball game...


A person who refuses to look for himself wants more evidence? Ok:

Former NYPD detective Daniel Sprague was the Stage on Broadway in Nashville, celebrating his 50th birthday.

He anticipated presents, and he certainly got those including a nice red hat with the words “Make Fifty Great Again” and a shirt with and American flag with the words “Making America Great since 1970” from his wife.

What he didn’t anticipate was the attack from a woman who was at the music venue.


The Florida man who was arrested last weekend after allegedly ramming his van through a Republican voter registration tent told police that he was motivated by opposition to President Trump.







Political Violence Report (many pages of links)







So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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