It's odd how it's mainly jewish people defending cuties. Maybe it's something to do with how they have throughout history profited off the sexual exploitation of non-jewish girls.
@Yutolia #56829
Or for that matter how Europe and the US have profited from the sexual exploitation of Christian girls. For all the talk they had of Christianity, and their duties and privileges as Christians, it was never the faith of those they exploited that made the least bit of difference, but rather how well others could defend themselves from exploitation. Being a “properly Christian” girl of “properly Christian” parents, or better a “properly Christian” orphan just made her easier to exploit.
And frankly, as far as what this dipshit, and others, have to say, I haven’t watched Cuties yet, but I’m rather guessing that it’s actually about how girls are often exploited and sexualized by, well, everyone. And possibly a bit about how we’re all sexual from birth to begin with anyway.
I’ve actually taken a chance to look up the movie on IMDB, and finding out it’s a French movie explained a lot. France appears to be one of the few countries that can admit kids could possibly think about sex, and is also one of the few where they seem to be able to disconnect “sexiness” from having sex.
Whereas here in the United States most people seem to have trouble disconnecting women doing anything other than cleaning and cooking from sex. And can’t even disconnect women cleaning and cooking from sex. Basically, sex is the only explanation these jerks can come up with for anything.
And now I’ve actually watched the movie, and I have to tell you, it’s a lot more about how kids will exploit each other and themselves in order to fit in, no matter how much it hurts everyone around them.
But I guess none of these people remember being kids. Or they were the one that actually never did do anything bad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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