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Types of trans
One of the confusing things about trying to talk with people about trans is arriving at a shared understanding of what "trans" even means. The word is used to cover such a broad range of different issues. I sat and wrote it down, and will probably make a graphic of the list once I have it finalized (will share!).

Input? Suggestions? Thanks!


- Classic trans (what most people still think all TIMs are): gay men (HSTS) with internalized homophobia (and in some cases misogyny) who are more comfortable pretending to be women. More likely to get surgeries than other types.

- Straight men (AGP) who are sexually excited either just by wearing women’s clothing or by the idea of themselves as women. Usually need to be “validated” by real women to keep the boner going. More delusional about their appearance than HSTS. Comfortable misogynists.

- Sensitive (mostly) young men who find male stereotypes restrictive or don’t want to be part of the oppressor group. Don't understand women.

- Men and boys caught up in sissy porn, anime and gaming. Incel to trans pipeline. View women as "living on easy mode." Overt misogynists.

- Drag queens - can be gay or straight—put on the “woman” with the clothes, parade her before the crowd, and take her off again when they’re done. Love using misogynist slurs when dressed up as women. Generally contemptuous of women.

- Trenders and opportunists


- Stone butches - “Life is just simpler if people think I’m a man.”

- Young, gender non-conforming lesbians. Internalized homophobia and/or confusion about a supposed lesbian community that includes men in dresses that it's bigoted to reject.

- Straight girls and women with internalized misogyny. Want to be loved by men as equals, not fetishized as female stereotypes; want to be recognized for their abilities and accomplishments without first being judged on their fuckability; are completely alienated by the idea of women presented in porn and popular culture and see what their mothers and other older women have been through and want nothing to do with it.

- Trenders and opportunists



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