chippysammy #transphobia

[In reaction to a meme about transwomen feeling gender euphoria/validation by men being dismissive of them]

I wonder how the female surgeon who’s about to do a TiM’s SRS would agree to such a statement? Considering women face SO MUCH sexism in medical school, women surgeons especially, I’m sure they’d love to know the narcissistic deluded man who jerks off in striped socks thinks she just a dumb woman teehee. Might just “accidentally” forget to make sure there’s adequate blood flow to the clit so it doesn’t go necrotic and fall off teehee just dumb woman things!

To be very honest the only female surgeons I can think of agreeing to mutilate a hopelessly deluded mentally ill individual are psychos, like actually incapable of feeling any empathy. Neovaginas are not even near being ethical, I am sure it will be considered a very dark chapter in plastic surgery.

Maybe they’re extreme TERFs and do it on purpose lol. /s

Mmm yeah let's not... personally i haven't run across any terfs that wish physical harm on trans people and it's bad to perpetuate that. I am sure some exist but they should be denounced.

If was a facetious and flippant comment.. I don’t think any doctor would risk their license especially knowing these experimental surgeries create their own risks. Thought the sarcasm was obvious but added it must for you.

Also I never wished harm on a trans person. I joked that the surgeons fuck up, not “I wish their surgeons would fuck them up tee hee”



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