Mainländer #sexist #fundie

RE: [RageFuel] foids on lipstick alley asked what the age of consent should be. some even say 21

23 JFL. Those people are insane. For me it looks like they're trying to make sure every single woman rides the cock carousel a lot before marrying. Which already happens extra-officially in the vast majority of cases, but they want to make it law. Look, God is not an idiot. He didn't give you a libido and developed body at 13 so that you could wait 10 years to have sex. Let alone does He want you to fornicate with Chads before marrying.

one said 25. but many say 21. if it's 21, then many men will be arrested and made registered sex offenders for consensual sex with 18-20 year olds. society keeps infantilizing young adults so much that no wonder we got 30 year olds these days who still act immature.

Feminism is a mental illness.

and feminists say "if you say she's mature for her age you're a predator. thats what predators say" but it's blatantly true that some are mature for their age

Either you're mature enough for sex or you aren't. "Only with people the same age" is nonsensical feminist bullshit. Nothing in life works like that, only sex and relationships because of feminism.

society is very sensitive about this subject so they refuse to discuss it with an open mind

Congrats, you're 16, now you're considered responsible enough to drive. BUT ONLY AROUND OTHER DRIVERS THE SAME AGE, stay away for older pedophile drivers. This is how much sense those laws make.

in america, 3 year olds are old enough to understand gender fluidity but 16 year olds cannot handle a relationship with someone even 3 years older.

Congrats, you're 18. Now you're considered old enough to write and sign contracts, BUT ONLY WITH PEOPLE AROUND YOUR AGE! Don't sign any contract written by older people, they're all pedophiles who will manipulate and traumatize you. But yeah, what you pointed out there only makes it clearer that it's all about shitty nonsensical ideologies and not about any remotely reasonable parameter.



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