Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: Polish version of 'The Office' announced in subreddit for The Office, many Yanks get upset by lack of racial diversity and gay characters


God damn Poland making a show for Polish people with Polish actors

Also can't w*sterners finally decide whether or not we are POC? Today they are complaining that some show has only white people, tomorrow some racist westoid will tell you about how polish plumbers are not aryan enough or some shit.

Westoids when theyre so againts racism theyre the m,ost racist people ever

Slavs are Schrodinger's whites. White when convenient.

Just as usual, westerners are so up their own asses they cannot comprehend that some countries have almost no black people.

I also love how they all immediately assume that there won't be a gay character. Holy fuck, if extremely homophobic Russia has those in their media sometimes, then why Poland can't have one?

Dipfucks, that's who they are.

Remember kingdom come deliverance?

They saying basically that we have to rewrite our history. To be more diverse. And please some people who probably don't give two shoots about same game.

They don't care for real diversity, then just want an excuse to not learn about other countries history and demographics.

Attention just want gain some internet points and kicking whites (and Slav!) Is pretty easy.

'diversity' is a dog whistle for not white

Diversity is a word for "not just that group" ... yes white ppl are included dont lost your shits they deserve to be there 2

It means having many of different things combined, but to the west it seems that it means more blacks = more diverse

Remember how they called black panther the most "diverse film ever made!" but the cast was 95% black? thats the opposite of diversity.



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