Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com
(a collage of news articles relating to the outbreak)
The Democrats and the MSM (but I Repeat Repeat Repeat myself) have been shrieking for weeks that they were 'all over' the Wuhan Virus; that they were hyperventilating warning about it since early January, and Trump was ignoring it.
They are liars. And anyone paying attention Knows this.
Trump activated the CDC on January 7th, one week after China Finally admitted they had a virus problem, nearly TWO MONTHS after it broke out. What were the Democrats and the MSM doing? The FAUX 'impeachment.'
Trump correctly banned flights from China on January 31st- same day as Italy btw- while the Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachment.
Trump spoke briefly about taking action against the virus during his February 5th SOTU- while Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachement.
I could go on at length, but Intelligent people already know what I am laying out here. And the small minds here on DA, don't give a fuck.
Above image was found on Twitter.