Above the text is an image of cookie monster in royal regalia
Me not impressed with this new republicanism. You call yourselves 'reformers'; reform what? Reform INTO what? You want nation exist in perpetual revolt? You want society locked in race to the bottom, laws determined by lowest common denominator? Oh yes, that sound like a FUN place to live. You want to destroy functioning, moral, high-trust society so you can have bread and circus.
“New republicanism”? “Reformers”? “Perpetual revolt”? Is this a time traveler from the 1790s? We already won long ago, have long established our countries, far more stable and just than any order that came before (although of course, improvements still are possible and necessary), with those few monarchies that remain in the civilised world being so in name only, vestigal to the point of being little more than tourist traps and reminders that inherited privilege is still alive. You are nothing but pathetic atavisms, fighting for a cause that has lost completely long before your birth.
A nation in constant revolt and appealing to the lowest common denominator even if it means ripping to shreds your highest laws and ideals has been the fucking GOP strategy for the past decade and now they’re dragging the world down with them. Haven’t you noticed the one message the right wing has is that you are under attack? Even if the “attack” is that you see a Festivus pole in someone’s yard rather than a nativity scene, or that a homosexual doesn’t have to go ten miles out of their way to hide that they’re gay making it harder for you to pretend they don’t exist outside of some perverse slanderous fantasy of yours, or that basically someone is exercising their rights but not in a way that reinforces your view of how your closed little world should look? All of which is a nervous dance around admitting that the mere existence of people you don’t want to acknowledge is then construed as an attack, for it is the reminders of their existence that sets you on a warpath. What drug induced coma could make you miss that?
@Chloe , @Passerby :
It’s a monarchist (as can be confirmed by hovering over the link, showing that this is from r/monarchist). With “republicanism”, he is not referring to the Republican party. No, he is referring to rule of the people. Which ha has somehow deluded into a believing to be some new-fangled completely unproven thing.
@Bastethotep #44465
Oh, lovely. It’s not like there’s such a thing as peasant revolts or any point in time where aristocracy suffered decapitation en masse for a poor performance review. But here’s the thing: When a king’s word is supposed to be law then it’s really that much more important that even royalty are then bound by their word. Unfortunately for this butthole the ones with the authoritarian bent that sets them all a-quiver are deliriously obvious pathological liars. You’re not going to find very many examples of THAT working out so well.
@Yutolia #44458
I think dumbass is impersonating Cookie Monster.
Dear, OP; Leave Cookie Monster outta this! Sesame Street isn’t on your side!…Just ask Tucker Carson.
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