Various commenters #transphobia

I honestly don’t understand how people think they are going to fight back this whole gender insanity by continuing to support the narrative there is any coherent category of people who can be identitied as “transgender.” The word is an ad campaign for deconstructing humanity.

Exactly. That's why we should concentrate our fire on AGP men and the deceitful "allies", they are the bastards doing the damage - the kids are victims

It really is. The more research I do, the more convinced I am that trans is really autogynephilia with a political agenda to dupe children and young people into becoming human shields. Every generation has its rebellion but this one was manufactured and controlled by Big Pharma.

"The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface (Twitter) 3:02 PM May 9, 2021



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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