sojourner_truth_ #transphobia

I find it so funny how these gender loons tell on themselves. Since their comments are permitted to be fact-free and logic-free, we get a bit of a Rorschach test of what the loon thinks and feels deep down. The "if black women get to be women then obviously I can too!" is the most obvious example.

The guy saying Christianity is at fault for saying there are 2 sexes... I'm guessing he was raised Christian or in a Christian country, but does he think the other religions were passing out binders, packers and fake rubber vulvas to their parishioners in some grand orgy of gender? Factually, it's ludicrous. It does give me an inkling of his inner world though.

I think deep down that he knows participating in this degeneracy is damaging him as a person and taking him farther and farther away from decency, goodness, and from God, which is actually one of the interpretations of hell- it's not a physical location, it's a state of mind in which you as a person are living in degeneracy and immorality, being held captive by your own endless lust, greed, rage, indolence etc. TIP are the perfect example. Personally, I'd rather be sleeping peacefully in my grave than to be an abomination who constantly fantasizes about raping children and animals. This dude is living in hell. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't trying to drag the rest of us into hell with him.

I just had the realization that if a church elder sat him down and told him with love and compassion everything that I just wrote, he might come to his senses at least a bit... and that person would be guilty of a hate crime under Federal law.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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