@EepOpOrk , @McQ66 & @StephenDKimball #transphobia gettr.com

( @EepOpOrk )
Children can’t consent.
These are abusive and exploitative parents. They need to face severe punishment for destroying a child.

A mother’s mental illness is destroying this child. So sad.
“Parents claim their child came out to them as trans at age 2. They now raise their young daughter as a boy.”
#mentalillness #transchildren

( @McQ66 )
It's the latest form of Munchausen syndrome.....its the adults sickness in 99% of the cases

( @StephenDKimball )
For those parents to make that claim about a two year olds sexuality, self-proclaimed, is clearly indicative of their mental illness. They need professional help now, and might get relatives involved taking care of the kid. Would not wait, as these people need to be isolated for child abuse, IMO



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