various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
China has a population of nearly 1.5 BILLION people (that's more than all of the White people in all White countries combined).

Because of their gross overpopulation, they've been forced to send tens of millions of their surplus population overseas (a total of just slightly more than 60 million).

So whenever you see those videos of Chinese women talking about how much they love White men, understand that it's propaganda. They're trying to make you like them so you'll be okay with them invading and settling your White country by the millions.

The Chinese don't actually like you. They hate you. Their school systems teach their children to hate you and all other White people, especially American Whites.

( @Razorblade_Toothbrush )
@Nature_and_Race Miscegenation with any race is unacceptable.
Rice shovelers are going to learn fast that their prize will happily be by their side to the end knowing they helped their people win dominance.

( @Driver )
@Nature_and_Race Indeed. Whites are supposed to be "tolerant" when the Chinese settle in White countries...and setup their own little towns, cities of "their people". Yet, Whites are evil when they want to do it in their own country.
Brought to us by communists (Chinese, jews).

( @treemin )
@Nature_and_Race Miscegenation is a way to commit genocide. The Chinese ruled over Viet Nam for 1,000 years and tried to eradicate the Vietnamese race via miscegenation. They failed. Personally, if I were a man of European heritage, I would not be attracted to women of other races. White women are the most attractive of women--provided that they take care of themselves. Grace Kelly was the most beautiful woman ever!



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