Various TERFs #transphobia

I've recently seen a wave of GC women in my twitter bubble start to ease their positions slightly, praise 'ally' TIMs and claim it's perfectly ok for a passing TIM to use the women's bathroom. I honestly don't know what's going on. I don't care if a TIM has a full beard & broad chest or if he looks mostly female, it's still a man and I don't want a man in my bathroom and I don't want another GC woman to claim it's ok.

The thing is, in practice if a TIM did pass, he could just use the womens room. The RULE needs to say "no men" so that if he's creepy he can be kicked out, and so non-passing ones get stopped at the door, but in reality no one is suggesting DNA checks to get in. The hypothetical passing TIM can just skate in under the radar as long as he's not acting weird. But in reality TIMs almost never pass anyway.

In person, they pass rarely. On the internet it gets MUCH harder to tell because camera angles and flattering clothing can hide a lot about the would-be-female form. It's usually their height, the way they walk (they either try to swing their hips too much, which is a tell, or they CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP like Clydesdales or Door #3 they scuff their feet as they walk), the stupid falsetto they all have in person. Thin, reedy fake-as-fuck voices.

Right, but we know they're delusional to begin with, and they spend hours and hours on the internet with people telling them how gorgeous they are and much they "pass" and how any lesbian would be so lucky to date them. So of course then they feel empowered to trot their way into women's spaces, because they think they pass.

A lot of non-passing TIMs seem to think they pass, so it's a stupid standard anyway.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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