XY Crew #sexist regardingmen.com

A Problem for Modern Man

At XY Crew, we understand that modern man’s default relationship with the world he inhabits is abusive and exploitive. The very society that now paints him as a toxic threat nonetheless expects, no, demands that he surrender blood and treasure for even its most selfish whims. And should he falter or refuse to serve under the weight of that inequity, he is ridiculed and rejected.

This dysfunctional relationship contributes to male suicide and a host of other problems, all of which are met with depraved indifference by the world at large, including the mental health industry as we know it. We live in an age of codified hatred of men and boys.

Our approach to this social sickness is simple. The antidote to misandry is to respect and honor men. That’s the philosophy at XY CREW, and it’s the final word on why we’re here.

If you’re down for that, you’re welcome to JOIN US.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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