Gregory Hood #racist

Scandinavian Airlines Erases Scandinavian Identity

“Once any group has been stripped of their identity and existence in theory, it is only a matter of time before someone will seek to strip them of their existence literally,” wrote Joel Richardson.

“Whiteness is not a culture,” said the late Noel Ignatiev, “but a privilege and exists for no reason other than to defend it.” He wanted to “abolish the white race,” but said this was a political project, not a call to genocide. “Perhaps AR should publicly call for the destruction of the black race,” wrote Michael Levin, “and then explain that this is just a way of criticizing affirmative action.”

Ignatiev at least said “Italian culture” and “Irish culture” are real. Today, even that may be politically incorrect.

“What is truly Scandinavian?” asked a recent ad from Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). “Absolutely nothing.”

“There is no such thing,” say two girls in the ad.

Posted on February 26, 2020Scandinavian Airlines Erases Scandinavian Identity
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, February 26, 2020

“Once any group has been stripped of their identity and existence in theory, it is only a matter of time before someone will seek to strip them of their existence literally,” wrote Joel Richardson.

“Whiteness is not a culture,” said the late Noel Ignatiev, “but a privilege and exists for no reason other than to defend it.” He wanted to “abolish the white race,” but said this was a political project, not a call to genocide. “Perhaps AR should publicly call for the destruction of the black race,” wrote Michael Levin, “and then explain that this is just a way of criticizing affirmative action.”

Ignatiev at least said “Italian culture” and “Irish culture” are real. Today, even that may be politically incorrect.

“What is truly Scandinavian?” asked a recent ad from Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). “Absolutely nothing.”

“There is no such thing,” say two girls in the ad.

The ad says Scandinavian traditions and achievements came from elsewhere. “We’re no better than our Viking ancestors,” explains a black man.


The ad doesn’t say why SAS is a good airline. The ad is pure Woke Capital — a company pushing politics. If you know about Stonetoss, you’re probably thinking about his “Burgers?” cartoon.


The ad insults Scandinavians in three ways.

Scandinavians have no culture except what they took from others. “In a way,” says the narrator, “Scandinavia was brought here.”

Scandinavian identity belongs to everyone. Non-whites, including the black Viking, represent Scandinavia.

Finally, the few Scandinavian achievements the ad finds worth mentioning are egalitarian projects, including “our democracy” and “women’s rights” — but Scandinavia can’t claim these either. The ad credits democracy to ancient Greece and women’s suffrage to America. (Of course, linking modern Scandinavia to ancient Greece admits there’s a larger Western, white culture that goes back millennia.)

The ad doesn’t mention Scandinavian explorers, composers, novelists, commanders, or scientists.

The good news is that people hated the ad. On YouTube, about 13,000 people “liked” the ad, while 112,000 “disliked” it.

Danish People’s Party foreign affairs spokesman Soeren Espersen said SAS “spit on us.” “What nonsense and self-hatred,” said Swedish Democrats secretary Richard Jomhof on Facebook.

SAS pulled the ad from its website but didn’t apologize. It vowed to continue the campaign and released a shorter version with the same message. It said the problem wasn’t the ad, but the people who didn’t like it.

Some media agreed. “4chan Trolls Target Scandinavian Airlines With Racist Harassment Campaign,” said Mother Jones, comparing the flap to the “coordinated harassment campaign” of Gamergate. LoyaltyLobby, which tracks travel loyalty programs, said the controversy was “made up.” Aftonbladet’s Jenny Wennberg’s blamed Russian propaganda and said “only an idiot” would object to the claim “Scandinavia was brought here bit by bit.” Expressen cited reports that the criticism came from “hate sites,” the “extreme right,” and Russia.

Blaming “trolls” or “Russia” is a way to claim any opposition to the ad was fake. It’s true that the Russian outlet Sputnik posted an article about the ad on February 12. However, Twitter users were protesting the ad before that.

No national airway of any non-white country would ever say its people had no culture. No company would ever say a non-white race, region, or country had no culture. McDonalds, Target, and Disney and scores of other companies celebrate Black History Month. The film Black Panther invented fictional history to make blacks feel better. If whites adopt black, Hispanic, or Asian traditions, non-whites accuse them of “cultural appropriation.” Somehow, a black man claiming “Viking ancestors” is fine.

The SAS controversy may seem small, but it’s part of our race’s central problem. Those with financial and political power seem to think we shouldn’t have anything of our own. If we have no culture, why should we have countries? Journalists and academics can call “The Great Replacement” a conspiracy theory because there’s nothing there to be replaced.

This is why white identity isn’t just about biology, pride, or politics. It’s about survival. The SAS ad wasn’t just an insult. It was a warning.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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