various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
The only people who advocate for Muslims living in the West are those who've never actually lived around Muslims.

It's the same as Leftist Liberals who rave about how great blacks are, because they've never actually lived around blacks.

Muslims don't make White countries better. Every time Muslims move into Western countries they end up grooming, abducting, raping, and murdering White children.

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race muslims are disgusting child molesters who are notch above retarded negroes, while both of them are above jews on the human tolerable ladder

( @FC88 )
@Nature_and_Race There is only an open border policy when it comes to white nations because kikes are afraid of white homogeneity

( @kiowaRenegade )
@Nature_and_Race They accomplish the brainwashing by having control of the Jmsm, school indoctrination system and CorrFedRes. The sheeple are so blind that they worship nigerball heros while watching the same people destroy the inner cities and murder Whites daily. ((They)) are flooding western nations with shitskins of all types not only mudslimes and south American countries are emptying their jails pushing them over our borders!

( @jkjls007 )
@Nature_and_Race It isn't much better than being around blacks.

( @Cotterpin )
@Nature_and_Race Those advocating for Muslims living in the west are compromised of two groups. Those who want to destroy White society and those who feel justified fighting the evils of White society (SJW’s). But neither group ever wants to nor will they have to live around Muslims because they see themselves as better than the rest.

( @pitch4k )
Sand niggers.



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