Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: "Most transsexuals are AGPs" - true?

( Tortoisemouse )
Thanks for all replies.

Is it not the case that many TiMs are gay men with internalised homophobia and/or struggling with being gender-nonconforming? Presumably they wouldn't be AGP?

I don't know for sure but I would hazard a guess that most of the TiMs I see around campus are gay men. They are student age. But I guess I am only seeing a subsection of the demographic, as this is a University city.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Those are the minority of TIMs.

Blanchard was quoted as saying he estimated 75% or so were AGP back when he did his research (so that’s back in 80’s-90’s). The number must be higher today.

( Ladylucy )
Do you think there more AGPs because the internet has normalized fetishes?

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I think it's normalized but I also think the increasing perversion in society and easier access to violent, degrading porn has played a role.

( LOriginedumonde )
One would think that there must be a negative correlation between gay acceptance and the prevalence of HSTS, and a positive correlation between gay acceptance and the prevalence of AGPs.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Straight men in pursuit of orgasm are definitely more privileged and act more entitled than a gay man trying to escape homophobia.

( ProxyMusic )
But most gay men who adopt a cross-sex identity as a response to homophobia are also in pursuit of orgasm. Gay boys and men are just as much driven by the male libido and male pursuit of their own sexual pleasure as any bog standard straight guys are.

Moreover, gay boys and men who become TIMs are not necessarily "trying to escape homophobia." Their actions are partly or largely a way of responding to homophobia, yes, but responding to homophobia isn't the same as an attempt to escape homophobia. On the contrary, for the majority of gay guys who become TIMs, adopting an opposite-sex identity seems to be their way of caving to and thoroughly embracing homophobia.

Many gay TIMs with internalized homophobia also have lots of externalized homophobia too. They say and do many things that are overtly homophobic. Some celebrate their own homophobia towards gay guys who aren't TIMs and especially towards lesbians. Which is why it's so easy for them to find fellowship and solidarity with straight men with AGP.



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