various commenters #transphobia
If you’re against males in female spaces then you obviously disbelieve all female victims too
( mathlover )
But they do harm women by their violation of women's spaces. They terrorize women.
A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.
Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.
( BlukBerry )
That's what these men don't understand or don't even care about.
The very presence of a man in women's spaces is violating, no matter what he's doing or not doing. Donning lipstick and a wig (or, thanks to self-ID, doing nothing at all) doesn't make a man a woman and it's absurd to argue otherwise.
( Lemon_Quiche )
It's funny because TRAs don't believe the (largely female) victims of TIMs.
To the OOP (if you happen to rage-lurk this site): I believe women AND I'm against males in female spaces, and those both come from the same place.
( pennygadget )
Wait. When did Nancy Mace go after a real woman for using the ladies room because she thought it was a TIM?
( marciekr )
I can't remember her name but there was an overly-stylized Republican woman that Mace called a trans woman which was in the news for a day. The woman just laughed about it IIRC.
( TrappedInACar )
I’m not sure she did. I’m not American so I might have missed something but I’m pretty sure I would have heard of that. Cool story to talk about an imaginary TIM who could have died though, right?
( drdeeisback )
I think he's literally saying an actual woman might 'lose her life' if she were 'accused' of being trans...because you know women murder other women in bathrooms all the time for no reason at all. And (contrary to any actual statistics) TIMs are being murdered right and left for no reason at all.