War FOr the Worlds #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com
CoVid19 is cover for largest Theft in World History
What the Bankers did in 2008 Housing derivative crisis is nothing compared to The Property Seizures that are about
to make Tens of Millions more of Americans deprived of
Jobs/Income/Security,Home/Shelter,Vehicles and Property.
while depriving people of
-Security in Income(STRESS from closing business)
-Freedom to Travel and Meet Hug, Shake Hands
-Talk at Dinner in a restaurant with Family and Friends
about the S*it that is happening, and how to fix it.
-Freedom to be secure in Person/Papers (Employer Health Checks)
-Good Nutrition (Food Supply and supplements being harmed long term by hoarding and creation/supply parts disruptions)
-Food(Michigan Governor banned retail store seed sales)
All using Fear as a Weapon to Destroy America and the World's Economy. The Bio-Weapon Virus may be Real, but Unconstitutional harmful actions by Government has
been infinity far more Deadly and Destructive.
Even Real methods of treating Illness by boosting the Immune system with Nutrients and Detoxing GMO's, Poisons in/on food and throughout the environment are censored or ignored by the Media/Government because they Violate the Controlled Agenda to Sicken and Destroy people and kill(silence) those they can not control.
Just as the original War of The Worlds instilled Fear to make people do crazy things, CoVid19 is a modern Version of this Psychological Operation that has no end in Sight.
Just like the War of Terror.