EmperorN #conspiracy deviantart.com
It is amazing how the elite Jews control us with the confusions and mind fucks
You follow Communism yet you are against Israel
Here's the thing
The Jews invented Commuism
Israel was a real country it was a real land, but was conquered
Now the Jews left Israel and are fucking all of us because they can't go back and do their trickery in Israel where they trick God over and over again like the rats they are with very few of them being decent fucking people
and Now those of George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg continue to kill our race and our people with their bullshit, we must allow Israel to exist to send the Jews there, If Israel is not the Jewish homeland, how does the Jew even exist then?
Jews have comepletly different racial features than an Aryan that is why when reading the Caucasoid category of races which consist of Aryan, Semitic, and Hemitic we see the Semitic (Jew) is a completely different race than the Aryan (White)