Aidan Brophilius #conspiracy #crackpot

PROJECT BLUE BEAM - The Quest For A New World Order And The Rule Of The Antichrist

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA in cooperation with other powerful forces is attempting to implement a new age religion with the antichrist at its head and start a new world order, via a technologically-simulated second coming. The new age religion would be the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the fierce dictatorship of the new world order would be completely impossible.

This incredible book reveals every aspect of Project Blue Beam and all of its shocking details. Also included are in depth explanations of the new world order, its plans, the leaders in control of the new world order movement, and more!

Please be advised. The information contained in this book is very controversial and may upset or anger some readers. Read at your own risk but always remember, the truth shall set you free!

Below is a sampling of the topics and information that is included:


- What is the New World Order?

- What are the Forces behind New World Order?

- Secret Societies and the New World Master Plan

- The Objectives of the New World Order

- Criticism and Rebuttal surrounding the New World Order Theory

- Proof of the New World Order

- Project Blue Beam & How It Relates To The New World Order

- The History of Project Blue Beam

- The Purpose of Project Blue Beam

- The Implementation of Project Blue Beam


Step 1: The Break Down of All Archaeological Knowledge

Step 2: The Massive Space Show in the Sky

Step 3: Two Way Electronic Thought Control

Step 4: Supernatural Manifestations Using Secret Technology


- HAARP Weather Manipulation and Earthquake Weapon

- Alien Invasion Technologies

- Mind Control and Two Way Telepathic Communication

- Tracking Technologies

- Cloning Technology

- Mob Control

- 3D Holographic and Voice Technology

All of these topics will be revealed...

So Step out of the darkness and into the light. Don’t be fooled by the elite’s mass deception. Discover the secrets behind Project Blue Beam and the New World Order Today! Before it’s too late…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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