Various MRAs #sexist
YES! MRA's fighting back in Kenya - UN/WHO is forcing men in circumcision. In Philippines 70% of boys get PTSD (Circs are done IN PUBLIC age ~10 - see paper and 40% in one cohort were infected)
Men are being kidnapped, beaten, moved by gangs and genitally mutilated see below. Thats before we even mention the nationwide TV shaming, campaigns, bullying, social and peer pressure, government pressure. Areas where circ not high enough means no food aid by WHO and UN so men basically shamed and punished into genital mutilation... again a consequence of western meddling
According to UN its evil to practise FGM but mutilating baby boys and men is okay. This is the same UN which didn't celebrate international men's day and made it about women, withheld food from single men in disaster regions, deliberately downplays male suicide and men's health, says that if men aren't dying before women then it means women are being oppressed. The UN doesn't care about men, its just another tool of Western Feminist political lobby. This organisation needs to be disbanded.
Anyone remember that Harvard study that showed FGM also reduced STD transmission? Lasted a couple of weeks before feminists had it removed from the internet. Not exactly a good reason for the practice. I don't have a link to that particular one, but there's another two, this article discusses it:
None of these findings is conclusive. I am not saying that female “circumcision” can ward off HIV or any other disease. But imagine that some of the above-cited health benefits are eventually confirmed. Would anti-FGM campaigners suddenly be prepared to say that female genital cutting was ethically acceptable? I would be surprised if that turned out to be the case.