To a vampiric atheistic talking head, the CTMU is like a wooden stake cured in garlic and bathed in pure sunlight. Atheists use their talk shows in pursuit of an utterly mindless agenda, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with finding the truth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate what such people have to offer.
The CTMU has already been "all over the news", mostly at the turn of the millennium (just as promised); professed Christian GW Bush and his decidedly non-Christian neocon vultures did everything they could to distract everyone from it by immediately staging 9/11, passing the PATRIOT Act, and invading Iraq and Afghanistan, thus immersing us in these last few years of Middle Eastern bloodshed, after which Obama decided that we also needed wave after wave of fake "refugees" and DHS-sanctioned demographic genocide as we "talked about race" (people talked, and suffered, and sometimes died; Mr. Obama played hundreds of rounds of golf and sold everyone but his real employers down the river to the banks and the insurers and the globalists, enjoying lots of air time and over a $hundred million in luxury vacations while he was at it. Now, that's "success" for you!)
We are obviously living in a world that is not run by God, but by something else entirely. When the timer buzzes and this "something else" shuts down the sideshows and takes unto itself all that it owns (and it long ago shared its plans in this regard with all who were listening), all of those uncaring little geniuses of whom you speak - the "righteous" pastors, the snide atheistic showboats, the drooling television and sports and video game addicts, the whorish PC/multiculti-besotted acadummies and politicians, everyone who couldn't care less about Absolute Truth and the true nature of reality - will find themselves, figuratively speaking of course, unceremoniously stuffed into a place that is hot, dark, smelly, Orwellian, and impossible to escape.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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