various commenters #transphobia

RE: Now that TIFs are starting to enter gay male spaces, will things change? (Gay man here)
( solitaire )
Welcome to Ovarit, and thank you for speaking up.

I don’t know if things will change, but I am hopeful.

Where I live, some of the most hardcore trans rights activists, aside from TIPs, are lesbians or straight women whose partners came out as trans, and gay men who are personally unaffected but want to make a name for themselves.

There is one gay politician who quietly raised reasonable objections in private about gender ideology with his colleagues and had over 300 LGBT people and straight allies from his own party sign a petition demand the party “decry transphobia” and that he be dealt with. Somehow he managed to hang on to his (admittedly low profile) position, possibly because the party leader owes him (he was his campaign manager for the party leader.)

Straight and lesbian women in the same party who have questioned gender ideology have been dealt with much more harshly.

Currently, a career party bureaucrat, who AFAIK is a straight man, is currently crusading to purge the party of anyone not parroting trans fascism as gospel, I think because he sees it as the “issue du jour” and wants to make a name for himself.

I hope that as more gay men are affected they speak up, but I’m not holding my breath when it comes to my own backyard.

( braziliangayman )
A lot of gay men, just like a lot of lesbians, are too deep into the gender woo woo to do anything, unfortunately. They think they have a moral imperative to defend TIPs from TERFs because they're also part of the LGBT.

( BabbittyRabbitty )
I had this discussion with a gay friend, and he was really deep in the desillusion, not seeing at all how that was homophobic and proudly sleeping with TIFs 😰

( Tiramisuomi )
This might be the first time I've even anecdotally heard someone on the internet say that a gay male friend of theirs slept with a TIF!



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