Some incels #sexist

Re: He's so hot but will probably destroy me. What should I do?


"find him so ridiculously attractive" vs "He's completely not my type at all, AT ALL"

What the F-U-C-K??? God take these brainless retards back to the farms. Where is natural selection at when you need it the most? People with this low IQ shouldn't be able to exist in the first place

God I wanna punch a hole through the wall because of this stupid landwhale 2/10 roastie. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST REEAD?


This is another example of Alpha Fucks. When she is about to settle down she'll find a beta whom she "loves" but isn't physically attracted to. Then the beta will post on r/DeadBedrooms asking why his wife is only offering annual starfish sex.


It's female IQ. Women only have one type. There is only one Chad. But women have to make shit up about their preferences because "they're not like the other girls", so they'll virtue signal about how actually, their type is 5'2" balding indian janitors. But when Chad shows up, of course she's attracted.



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