Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Are Asians Going Nuts, Too?

In the last couple of weeks, there have been more than 20 attacks on older Asians in the San Francisco Bay area. Every known perp is black. Which is no surprise. This is a table from the DOJ on inter-racial violent crime. All it takes is simple arithmetic to calculate that any given black person is more than 45 times more likely to attack an Asian than the other way around.

NPR reports that city council members have “joined social justice groups warning against scapegoating” Scapegoating? You mean Asians have noticed that the perps are all black? Well, yes. When Asians notice a pattern, that “fuels fears and bias.” Fortunately, anti-black bias has been stopped in its tracks. As the Guardian explains, “Organizers, activists and academics have said that it is white supremacy that is at the crux of these racial divisions.” It’s not the fault of black people when they attack Asians. White supremacy makes blacks attack Asians and fools Asians into thinking blacks are violent.

There was a rally in New York City the same day. Justice for Vicha Ratanapakdee” – he was the guy who died after he was knocked down – “End the violence towards Asians. Let’s unite against white nationalism.” You end black violence against Asians by fighting “white nationalism.”

A few benighted Asians persisted in thinking that the problem might have something to do with black people, but as Eddie Zheng, the Oakland organizer explains, they’re ignorant. “For these communities, they’re just focusing on the harm and trauma they experienced without understanding the origins of this country and white supremacy.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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