Even if my beloved should turn out to be a virgin when we get together, she certainly would not be a virgin anymore by the time we marry. Indeed, to my reason and sense of propriety, sex should come before marriage - really, it only makes sense to be intimately familiar before making the great vow to stay together for life, not the other way around.
From my perspective, YOU and your spiritual precursors with your legalistic possessive patriarchal villainy where the wife is her husband’s property, rather than it being an equal partnership of true love, that are the perverters of marriage!
Double standard: Women should be virgins at marriage.
Well, at least you admit the double standard. Actually, strike that. Being consciously aware of it and actively making rationalisations to justify it makes you even worse.
The fundamental difference between men and women is that men have an unlimited reproductive potential while women's reproductive potential is very limited. When a man has sex, he is giving away nothing of value. But when a woman has sex, she is potentially giving away a large aspect of her life if she gets pregnant.
Oh yes, the typical Evo Psycho junk science that completely ignores that things are more complex than maximising the number of offspring sired, that certain non-human animals do indeed mate for life and that humans are social animals who until fairly recently mostly lived in tight-knit communities where word that a man is a deadbeat who refuses to take responsibility for his lover and children would quickly reach other women…
This is why men still greatly value virginity in women, as can be seen in the cases where women auction off their virginity. But women place no value in the virginity of a man because there is no evolutionary basis for this feeling.
A woman who has sex before marriage is being selfish at the expense of her future husband.
…did you forgot to actually give the reason why bridal virginity would be beneficial to husbands?
(Not counting the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph since that is clearly supposed to be an additional argument.)
A normal husband (who places his emotions and common sense over feminist propaganda)
Well, if that is how you define a normal man, I am even happier than usual not to be normal.
Women also seem to be changed by premarital sex and are less able to bond with their husband as explained in Why Sluts Make Bad Wives.
Let me guess, your argumentation is nothing but asserting that your Madonna/Whore complex accurately describes reality in dense, authorative-sounding prose?
The anthropologist Unwin, in his book "Sex and Culture", studied the isolated tribes of his time to determine what best correlated with level of development. He found one fact that perfectly correlated with level of development. This was female premarital chastity. In all the most developed cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. Then he looked at history and he found that in all rising cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. And in all cultures where this requirement was lost, the culture went into terminal decline.
Objective levels of societal development and historical determinism based on a single characteristic that just so happens to be the author’s pet issue? Sounds legit. How many decades out of date is that book?
In any case, the name “Unwin” certainly seems appropriate, because he certainly sounds like he was full of fail.