RopeMaXXer #sexist #psycho

[Serious] Realistic ways to fight the system

Here's some ideas

1. In your free time chadfish as much as possible, and make sure to let them know you're chadfishing at the end. This will make women distrust dating apps and matching with good looking men.

2. Sign up for as much neetbucks as possible and drain the system. Work on getting disability, research social safety nets and be a leech.

3.Do not help out women at all, do not be friendly to any woman and make it as difficult as possible to interact with you. It's the best when they're obliged to help you. Do NOT tip them ever. Bonus if you approach them and make them think ugly men have a chance with them

4.Comment on women's support groups and try to implant subversive ideas. Make underhanded comments that damage their self esteem while being seemingly earnest and nice person. If some women ask for beauty tips tell them they pass really well and congratulate them. Be vocal against makeup, or any advantage women use to fraud their genes. God tier would be making and modding a subreddit like that. Rub their faces in genetically superior gigastacies. Demoralization is the best.

Any other ideas?



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