I notice that wingnut guys in general are obsessed to the point of pathological with “Older man with much younger woman or even a girl”.
Remember when that Daubermire guy was complaining about that Super Bowl Halftime Show with Jennifer Lopez and Selena Gomez and threatening to sue?
One of his complaints was that J-Lo was “fifty” as if that was a bad thing! Here a woman who’s still fit luscious and youthful but she’s chronologically Middle Aged. Dave himself looks a bit older than Lopez! She’s more his age and is still hot…and he sees that as a bad thing! It doesn’t matter that a woman looks younger, what counts is literally how many years she’s lived and an older man dating a woman close to his age is pure squick!
What’s with Far-Right males and their fetish for super-young gals? You got “Coach” Daubermire, you got clergy molesting kids and not getting punished by their peers, you got Child Brides in certain countries, you got those weird FLDS cults like the one run by Warren Jeffs, etc.
What is this obsession with super-young women & girls and kids in general with Righties?!
Now; I confess that I have a thing for youthfulness, too, and even get “cougary” over cute younger guys. However; I’d never go after underaged people and I don’t reject men my age (I’ll be 45 in a couple of weeks as of this writing). I’ll still look at recent photos of guys like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, George Clooney or some other now-middle-aged hunk and still find them handsome (though Tom being an L. Ron nut ruins him and Brad is known to have bad hygiene).
Although I may have a preference for youthfulness, it doesn’t mean I’m going to reject a guy my age or older (provided there’s a pronounced lack of geezerness).
Now; I kinda understand why this fetish exists in part…
To me; Being overly fettered by old age scares me. I don’t mind the concept of physical death…it’s how it happens and the journey there that can be scary…
* I watched my Paternal Grandparents final months. Both passed away months apart in 1987. My grandma was in a nursing home hallucinating photo portraits of Archie Bunker on the walls and having weird delusions of Grandpa cheating on her with phantom hot naked ladies she’d hallucinate standing in the doorway. She was HUGELY obese and had a fuzzy lip and kissing her was like kissing fiberglass insulation. Grandpa had a stroke and needed a nebulizer.
* I’m living with my Dad and he’s old and not what he used to be (he used to do a lot of yard work and carpentry stuff, now he hires other guys to mow the lawn and usually can only do basic household chores like his laundry) and he walks like an old guy (at the moment, it’s worse due to a foot ulcer and nerve pain…however it is healing so maybe he’ll be able to walk better, soon).
* I watched my late Mom get old, get Rheumatoid arthritis and stuff. Then she had a third serious Pulmonary Embolism (when one’s lungs fill with fluid and you’re basically ‘drowning’) attack while driving to Walmart to get her hair done for Christmas (which was 2 days away)…the EMTs didn’t get there in time that time around.
* Being and looking elderly weirds me out. I do not believe in age discrimination and will gladly cheer on old people with active sex lives…so I’m not an ageist in that sense. I don’t hate old people. But some more geezerly aspects of “oldness” still creep me out.
* There are plenty of old people that are still fit, handsome or pretty and full of life…and many that still manage to be youthful and sexy for their age. I wouldn’t mind aging like that. I also don’t mind getting cosmetic surgery as long as one doesn’t go overboard with it…age gracefully but with a few nips and tucks on an infrequent basis. Much aging can be curbed with exercise, skincare, etc.
…HOWEVER; Despite the above stuff about aging…I am not like these idiots who fetishize the super-young to the point of those super young people being the only one’s worthy of being attracted to.
Again; What is it with wingnuts, ultra-conservative and frummy religous organizations, communities (like the Amish or Mennonites), etc. and their weird obsession over marrying young girls and barely-legal women and kid-molesting/coverup issues?