skimmingway #wingnut #dunning-kruger

I would like to say that the hypocrisy and total lack of self-awareness amongst feminists and other assorted “progressives” is something that will never cease to amaze me, but alas, I am accustomed to telling the truth, and at this point, nothing could be further from it.

What of those of you who elevate terrorists such as John Brown to hero status? Those of you who think that dragging truck drivers out of their vehicles and beating them is some form of acceptable “collateral damage” in response to a Chivas Regal-chugging, PCP-addled thug getting his ass handed to him by some cops he has decided to antagonize? Those of you who think that property damage and raucous rioting are acceptable avenues for those who want an excuse to “get even with whitey” over what are, essentially, acts of self-preservation in the face of being attacked by ruffians who can’t even demonstrate the civilizational awareness necessary to wear a belt? Those of you who valorize communistic bureaucrats like FDR, who interned millions of Japanese Americans in holding facilities against their will? Those of you who have the nerve to associate yourselves with some of the most destructive economic and social ideologies of the 20th century, while refusing to take responsibility or answer for whatever flaws these belief systems might have had (i.e. bread lines, mass starvation, lack of choice in products, etc.)? Those among you who think that punching people of alien ideologies is preferable to spirited and civil debate?

There is not one good person among you all. You demand to have the privilege, nay, the right, to judge without being judged, to force your intellectual adversaries into unflattering associations without having to deal with equivalent treatment on your end. Well, I’m not letting you off the hook as easily as you would have it; like cats getting their sniffers shoved into the piss stains on the carpet, I am going to force you all into the truth. I shall carry you as battering rams, smacking your heads into the hard doors until they yield and allow access to the Royal Throne Room of Truth.

You had best prepare yourselves for the intellectual ousting of a lifetime.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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