@pothead1776 , @Davidmarroyo77 & @WokeBurrito #transphobia twitter.com

Have you ever seen a graph about the prevalence of left-handedness over time?

The graph shows significant increases in left handedness over the past 100 years. Because people are no longer punished for being left handed. The apparent increase in numbers of trans young people is because there is more support for trans people to be themselves.

What’s crazy is this goes against your argument you stupid fucks. Just like people indoctrinated children into right handedness, you are indoctrinating them into a perverted ideology. Hence the rise in identify almost solely among the younger crowd. there are no elders who did it

No 60 years olds walking around who had double mastectomies at age 16. This has never been done period and to say otherwise is just incorrect and egregious.

I think the point is that if gender aff were necessary to avoid suicides, we should have seen way more suicides in past. If there always were more trans ppl in past, and they didn’t commit suicide, then what’s the basis for saying gender aff is “necessary” to avoid suicide 2day?

If we started affirming and celebrating anorexia (flags, marches, 24/7 social media hype) instead of actually treating it, we would see an uptick in cases as we see now in gender dysphoria. This left-handedness argument is nothing but red herring.



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