Various commenters #sexist #wingnut


In case anyone was wondering what they teach in our schools today. Taught that men don’t experience sexism today.


A photo of a paper entitled “Web of unequal power relations”, defining various types of prejudice and who they target

In my sociology class, the professor (who was a woman of color) taught us that not only are women the only victims of sexism, but also that people of color are the only victims of racism. She got in front of the class and said that "black people cannot be racist, only white people can be racist because they have all the power".

I was the only white person in the class and I felt so attacked.

Honestly what is wrong with education these days

My school is around 65-70% Asian. I’ve seen white classmates be harassed because of their race, and there’s nothing they can do about it. If an Asian student calls a white student “the next school shooter”, everyone laughs, and if the white kid were to reply “shut up dog eater” or some other racial stereotype, they’d be sent to the principal’s office. White students also weren’t allowed to make any European cultural groups, because apparently that would be racist. So while there’s a Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, and 3 separate Asian clubs, the Italian and German clubs were not allowed to be made. People also act like white people still hold the power at the school, despite the student union being 100% Asian, and the school staff being majority ‘people of color’.

I am Hispanic and I hate the fact that people says that "white" people can't suffer from racism, just because you are the majority doesn't means that people can't attack you just because you are white, I have seen how being white has become in a meme of offensive "jokes" and how easy it is to say "fuck white people" and "white people be like" (follows by something humiliating).

Hispanic isn’t a race, but I agree.


Imagine the influence of feminism in Canada which has rached to the extent that they have been given enough power to brainwash children from young to make men live inferior life than women. More boys will turn to white knights, resort to alcohol and drugs to supress their emotions because they are made to think how masculinity is a problem.

Then people say feminism represents minority group when in reality most of the people are not against their practises.

I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say it brainwashes men throughout their lives.

Historically beautiful women could enchant men and live a very privileged existence- she receives beneficial treatment from every interaction she has with men. (my ex girlfriend would always get a discount when her car was serviced etc)

This is why we see the very ugly women fighting so hard for feminism - they always wanted the benefits of being beautiful. This is why stealing men's work comes naturally to her. Due to western governments : Now even the ugly women can get beneficial treatment.

It clearly sucks to be a poor Canadian guy. But what I have also noticed - Beautiful women are losing out due to feminism! (rarely) some of them will complain about it. E.g. we see guys who won't stop when a woman's car has broken down since they have been shown to make false allegations.

Of course, the ugly women are ecstatic about feminism.... They are the only beneficiaries


Wow straight white men are just the fucking worst aren't they?

They never have anyone discriminate against them for their gender, skin color, or sexual orientation LOL fucking losers.

arrested development theme plays

Ironic isn't it, this document is an example of discrimination against men but due to the magical patriarchy it somehow doesn't count because they are so advantaged in today's society. It's not like there's large swaths of boys being left behind in school or a whole host of male victims being ignored. No, that's just completely ridiculous...

No, every male is either holding the reigns of power in a patriarchal system who has only been gifted their power by the grace of society's gendered norms (not through their own merit), how dare they hold women and minorities back! Or... They're an incel, neck beard, and their suffering is somehow their fault. Why aren't they good enough for women?! Even though Patriarchy hurts men too but you better not talk about it because you're taking away from the actual oppressed groups. Who cares about a whole generation of disillusioned and demoralised children. Nah! What's important is people's personal values and who we decide is worthy of empathy based on...

My own morally righteous assumption and a belief structure (where like everyone else, I'm making it up as I go along) that I demand you take as fact. Otherwise you are sexist/racist. If you point out my contradictions, it also means you are sexist/racist. If you talk out of turn, you disgusting white male oppressor, you are a sexist/racist. What's that? No, of course, you can't fucking win. You are a disgusting sub human filth who isn't allowed to have their oppressive opinion.


Yeah... I posted once about how I was a straight white catholic married guy and that I'm proud of all those things.

Holy shit.

The amount of pure hate thrown my way... Some from people who call me a 'friend'

But it doesn't matter because, well, I'm a straight married white catholic. So therefore I've never once experienced any kind of discrimination.

Oh. And despite the fact thay all my ansectors were peasants. I'm clearly directly responsible for all slavery and religious intolerance in the history of the world.


I'm not even a Bernie fan , but that guy got played hard because so many people wanted a woman president. Women were much more interested in the war monging , rape defending, drunken cunt Hilary than him. They openly bragged their gender preference as their basis for choosing her.


This seems to have come from the shift from discussing 'disadvantage' to 'privilege'.

Some research shows that if you have strong beliefs about privilege than you are less empathic to the privileged people. There was a study where they tested peoples change in attitudes after a class on white privilege and they found that rather than being more empathic to poor black people they students became less empathic to poor white people. Another study found that people who believed strongly in male privilege much more sceptical of research that showed sex differences which benefit men (ie a study that showed men were better at X). Also, a study of the trolley dilemma found that feminists were more likely to sacrifice men than the general population. It's reasonable to assume feminists believe in male privilege.

All this leads me to believe that the result of the change in the language you mentioned will be the dehumanisation of privileged groups. It possible that something like this was the intention behind the change in language based on the misguided belief that it will help the oppressed.


How is this not blatant propaganda to literally ANYONE?! It's literally racist, sexist, (not sure if this is a real word but it's the closest I can get) religiophobic, and all around terrible.


I'm Asian and I've been told that only white people can be racist which just feels patronising imo. First off what is the definition of racism? I always assumed it's the ignorant assumption that your race is superior than others?

So for them to say only white people can be racist, is ironically them admitting how they see white people compared to everyone else, they're basically saying only white people can realistically see themselves as superior compared to black people and it be offensive. If a white person thought they were genetically superior to a black person, I'm sure these people would see it as racist, but if a black person thought they were genetically superior, being taller/bigger, stronger, faster, well endowed, nice ass instead of a flat chicken butt etc, that's not racist? Ironically these people sound like the racists they are condemning e.g:

"only white people can be racist, because only white people can realistically think they're better than everyone, no one could possibly think a black person is superior, come on look at them they're black. Every single white person loves being white where as no one could possibly feel superior being black, what can black people be proud of? Nothing"


Yeah that's like saying there's no such thing as reverse discrimination. It happens all the time. I have worked at a hospital that was mostly women and they were always mean to the man and said oh you're a man you can do that you're a man you can do this. I always thought you can do the worst jobs. I started to go to nursing school and experienced excessive bias. This was even in California. The women teachers did not like men. I also had a problem with one lesbian nurse in college that was an instructor. She said men should not be doing this kind of work this is Woman's Work and men are taking good jobs from women. I complain to the dean but it did no good because she had a high pass rate on the exam. Finally I just had to drop out. Is really caused me to have a great hatred towards women. And a lack of respect towards most of them.


That is applied Marxism. Omg I got to live long enough to see disguised marxism taught in schools in United States.

You can find a word for anything you don;t like and say is oppression.

Precisely this. The west was warned multiple times during the cold war and long before that foreign subversion especially in relation to social justice matters would be used to install far leftist governments. This nonsense coupled with the growing influence of China on businesses is the result of ignoring the warnings or being a useful idiot.


Yeah :/ I majored in Creative Writing and English Lit. You'd think there wouldn't be a TON of SJW talk, maybe some in works that deal with gender and race. Nah, I feel like I got a freaking gender theory degree. Every class delves into colonialism, intersectionality and such.

Higher ed also sends white women a lot of mixed messages about where they fit into this whole web of oppression. In one class, I learn that I'm so damn privileged I've got nothing to complain about. In other, I'm told that women are the 'subalterns of white people' and that, white women are also colonized, but by their husbands and fathers.

Eck. I'm sick of it all. I just wanted to talk about books! :(


"I won't date you if you're not tall enough"

"I can hit you, cut you, scratch you and spit on you and you can't hit back. The second you do, I'll cry enact my double standard pussy pass power and have you arrested"

"If you're not making upwards of 70-90k a year don't talk to me. Money, money, me, me, me, money"

"Guys don't get insecure, just shut up you'll like it, you're a guy right you should feel honored to get with me"

"Your clothes aren't brand name and you don't have this whole list of qualities I want so goodbye"

"You have to pay for every meal, bill, expense and anything that comes up and I MIGHT look at your dick for 4 minutes on the weekend and I said MIGHT and that's if you clean the kitchen and give me 2 footrubs after your 12 hour shift"

You're right, we don't experience strife or sexism, silly me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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