Various commenters #wingnut

BREAKING: The Supreme Court has issued an order allowing Indiana to enforce its pro-life law requiring parental consent on abortions.

@LifeNews A kid can't go to the dentist without parental consent but in a libtard world it's just fine for them to get an abortion. If nothing else proves how mental they truly are this should remove any doubt.

Not good enough, ban them outright

@KappaMikeyGroyper Patience. Gain potitical power locally, normalize restrictions, then ban it outright, play the left's game. The unborn children will be avenged.

@LifeNews well, the one who will want the abortion are the parents... Not a very effective law

@LifeNews We need to make it 100% illegal in Indiana and in all states for that matter. Our governor is a RINO so our congress will have to do it.


Father God I pray and ask that you yourself judge and punish directly each and every single individual person who supports abortion murder and especially the women who willingly and deliberately and knowingly commit First Degree Capitol Murder abortion murder because your Holy Laws require, "A life for a life," and I ask you Father God who is the Holy, Just and Righteous God to directly judge and punish each and every single individual person who is involved with abortion murder, in Jesus Christ's mighty name, amen 🙏.

Father God I pray and ask that you abundantly bless each and every single individual person who fights the good fight of faith and who actually takes actions to preserve the lives of all of the unborn babies in their mother's womb, in Jesus Christ's mighty name, amen 🙏❤🙌.

@LifeNews well, the one who will want the abortion are the parents... Not a very effective law

@LifeNews We need to make it 100% illegal in Indiana and in all states for that matter. Our governor is a RINO so our congress will have to do it.



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