“If very few people are willing to date trans people, what does this mean for their health and well-being? If trans and non-binary people lack access to one of the most stable sources of social support, this could explain some of the existing health disparities within trans communities.”
According to your study, 12.5% of the population is just fine dating a crazy mutilated freak, doc. Considering the crazy mutilated freaks are less than a tenth of one per cent of the population, I'd say their dating options are well beyond anything they could possibly have ever hoped for, and they have assholes like you, who insist that the rest of us are "transphobic," whatever that means, to thank that the number is that high and most likely climbing as you indoctrinate a new generation of children, barely out of the womb, in to your degeneracy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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