Lee_CPA #pratt #racist amren.com
Officer Potter simply did not commit a crime. The prosecution conceded that she did not intend to shoot Wright and that she made a mistake by pulling out and firing a gun instead of a Taser. Under American law, honest mistakes are not crimes. Every American, regardless of race or political persuasion, should be concerned when a decent police officer is indecently charged and convicted for making the kind of honest mistake that any person could make when confronted with the pressures of a life-or-death immediate decision.
The police are already starting to back down from, well, policing black neighborhoods and cities. This past weekend, I had to drive across a major metropolitan area to get to the grandkids. Usually, in years past, police would have been running radar every two miles on a holiday weekend. This weekend? NADA. Nary a squad car in sight. Blacks know this and were zooming around, safe with the realization that the police were nowhere in sight and if they were, they no longer stop a black on a mere traffic violation.
And who can blame the police? Blacks do the most irrational things, such as trying to fight six armed policemen. Things go bad and the officers know they can go from a routine traffic stop to fighting for their lives in less than a second. Then, in today's "woke" environment, they are thrown under the bus by their superiors and politicians, crucified in the media, their lives and livelihood ruined.
From what I have read, this female officer really didn't need to be on the streets in a felony stop. She may have had two decades police experience, but most was in administrative positions, not out on a patrol beat. I think she was put into the position of being on the streets due to the manpower shortages caused by the current anti-police societal environment.
How many times do we see this story replayed before the "good" people say enough is enough? Lather, rinse, repeat....