Vox Nihili, Irene Engel & Mark #racist amren.com

(Vox Nihili)

A Turkish parents’ association in Hamburg called the Germans “Köterrasse” (a race of dogs). Celebrities, NGOs, and members of Islamic interest groups make similar comments. As the Turkish-German Deniz Yücel put it: “The speedy departure of the Germans is a beautiful Völkersterben [the death of a people].”

This is devastating. How can a once proud people accept this invasion by people who loathe them, endanger them, bring their quality of life down, and ultimately wish to eradicate them? Why are whites afflicted with such pathological altruism? When will we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH in all these places?

(Irene Engel)
Well, Germans called Slavs "Untermenschen" so this is kind of karmatic, imho.

Everything written above is true. I live in Germany, for now. Hopefully I'll leave this awful place asap. I'm a Non-German Central European. How I cope with living in Germany for the time being? I've started to see myself as an ethnographer and the Germans as a dumb superstitious tribe on its way towards the dustbin of history.

Your disgusting, false generalization helps normalize migrant rape in Germany...because you hysterically believe "all German children are Hitler!". That being said, Poland will eventually be flooded with rapey migrants. The "law and order party" only won by a slim margin. It's only a matter of time before they are voted out. The new politicians will easily sell out to open borders and multiculturalism. Some are liberal and some do it for money. I don't want to see Poland fall to the third world, but you are on that path.



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