@Henrysavage101 #wingnut #racist gab.com

@Nature_and_Race 'What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology.

It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood.

Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions.

Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations.'

You sir are a genius. Excellently put.

I was raised around Jews (who knew they were Jews and were-covertly- quite chauvanistic about it) who had never been within 100 feet of a synagouge, had never met a rabbi and whose last familial connection to (overt) Judaism was not in living memory who have behaved exactly as you describe. Controlling, exploitative, two faced, backstabbing, hysterical, hypocritical monstrous freaks.

Only after I realised they were Jews ethnically did I see the pattern.

They always try and tear you down, tell lies about you, hate Whites for thier nobility (the people I was raised around were very small nasty people and it showed) and try to sabotage things.

They have an inbuilt hatred of Whites and really of all civilisations. It is amazing to watch (crypto) Jews who are not as smart as the average Jew try and use the same dishonest argument style, same pilpul etc and fail at it when critiquing Whites. It is really revealing of their true nature. They really, really, really do hate Whites.

They really cannot help it.

Yes Judaism the religion/culture is horrible- utterly evil. But Jews created Judaism not the other way around.

Tl:DR; personal experience has taught me to avoid anyone with Jewish ancestors (of which there are vastly more than even the most hardcore antisemites would believe). The problem is their genes.

Beware crypto Jews (ethnic Jews) are everywhere.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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