Everything we have been told or taught over the last several thousand years has been Luciferian Inversion, what’s real portrayed as fantasy, fantasy given as truth, so they can avoid karmic penalty, look over here not over there, while the answer is behind you. IE 9/11 when the first 2 towers were exploding, before the planes were added, (it was the sleight Of hand that drew attention away from the 3rd tower where the uamashita gold and server for GeSARA just happened to be.) Controlled demolition in the background while CNN was reporting on it, because they think we are dumbed down sheep. Are we not, though? How long are we going to stay falling for rich mans tricks? Pentagon was a missile. Gesara related, and some other things. Funny how they find passports of the guys and the news anchor already had a suspect, Osama Bin Laden. Kind of like the Nashville Xmas bombing, which was a white hat attack on a CIA or NSA data Collection point.ahere the FBI has a suspect and his passport, untouched near the explosion. The announcement was the white hats, who are trying to preserve every life they can. Now, back to the Sasquatch.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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