New Mandela Effect: New Countries in Europe You've Never Heard Of
Has anyone ever heard of Belarus or Moldova
Belarus is HUGE and I've NEVER heard of it until someone pointed it out. I've looked over the current map of europe many many times. Anyone else notice this?
Poe? The "American ignorant of the outside world" and "I still have not noticed that the Cold War is over" stereotypes seem too blatant.
Also, stop imposting my patron's father! And, should he show up, take the False Prophet of Kek with you!
Belarus and Moldova have been around since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
They didn't just suddenly appear, you just don't know Geography.
If your map is a year old, it's probably out of date. But guess what, bozo: the land was there the whole time. (Now listen carefully: this next part is important) That portion of land ....has a new NAME. Am I speaking too fast for you? Just nod your head, but not too hard.
Curious how Dumbfuckistan was mentioned by one HL Mencken many decades ago...:
...yet it won't appear until January of 2017.
I suggest that those in actual America watch the Ealing comedy film "Passport to Pimlico".
Just because they're shit at Eurovision doesn't mean they didn't exist before.
(Sidenote: I love it when people deliberately misspell "America" when they're trying to mock us. You have no idea how stupid you make yourselves look.)
@Man Called True
Late, but "'Murica" isn't just some random misspelling. It's meant to be how "America" sounds when pronounced with a stereotypical mush-mouthed redneck accent, since it's intended to mock Americans doing stereotypically dumb and/or redneck things (e.g. forgetting large portions of the world outside the US exist).
Dr. Razark (who keeps forgetting to log in)
The countries of Belarus and Moldova were created in the early '90s. They used material from Pluto to build them, which is why it's no longer a planet.
And to further your Mandela Effect, I have a globe in my house that has an East and West Germany, but we all know there's only one country there.
Of course, over 20 years ago, we had an exchange student from Moldova at our high school, so it was kind of hard to miss the existence of that country.
@Man Called True
I know. Us real 'Muricans know the proper spelling is "'MURICA! FUCK YEAH!"
Bitch please, it's not the Matrix skipping a beat, you're just shit at geography.
I guess Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lichtenstein, San Marino and Monaco are also effects of time getting fucked up just because they are relatively obscure to Americans?
These delusional idiots want to prove their Mandela effect so hard they will attribute their own ignorance to it. Amazing.
Dude, it's okay. I'm bad at geography, too. If it weren't for my job, I'd be in the dark about a good chunk of African and Middle Eastern nations other than maybe their names. The universe didn't shift just because you don't own a globe.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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