karis15 & incelthrow1222 #psycho reddit.com

Today is the 3 year anniversary of a Football chad in my school who dies with 3 roasties in a car accident. I still remembee girls crying and the school therapists had girls trying to take their lives for weeks after IT happened. His pictures are everywhere in school.

I still remember how much Joy I had when I Heard It. I could Not believe justice existed. I had to force myself Not to cry of Joy.

He was a disgusting bully who died with 3 stacies in a car accident He caused. The other driver dies and I have never even Heard of his stroy. He literally crashed into another Student. He will Not be remembered because He wasn't chad, I guess.

I experience lifefuel right now. I had to share It.

Justice exists. Still wish I could destroy his stupid Posters on every school wall. Even in death, He looks at me, knowing He moggs me in the after life. His Skeleton is worrh MORE than me existing right now.

Girls are literally depressed if a rare man they are attracted to dies

Countess ethnic die every Day in shithole countries but when chad died, It is a national tragedy and we have to participate in a goodbye fest every year of his death.

Lmao, It is basically a Free Day for everyone who doesn't give a shit about dead chads.

Hope He is in hell ngl tbh. He made life hell for incels and He used normies and beckies for easy admiration.

Lifefuel buddy boyos.

Tap Tap, your chad's dead

I don't feel guilty at all. He lived more in his 19 years of being chad than I will have lived in my 80 years of trueceldom lmao.

LOL, I'm so happy to hear that a fucking Chad actually died in a painful and hilarious way. I hope he died suffering in pain. I would celebrate if the local Chads around me died too. If I died right now literally nobody would care, not even my parents, and I'd be forgotten in a day. But this fuck is still remembered years later despite being a bully piece of shit?

This is why I celebrate Saint Elliot's life and cherish His legacy. I won't allow Him to be forgotten like so many incels who have come before and after Him. I love that nobody remembers the names of any of the six Chads and foids that Saint Elliot killed, but everyone in America knows His name and what He did. I love it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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