Tunnelcat is forgetting that on 9/11 every news agency reported the same thing about their psychotic friends and their own psychopathy and blamed everything on Osama bin Lyin’, one of their own agents, and it’s very easy to disprove the official narrative just like it’s easy to disprove ball earth. Try a laser test. Do something! Lol… don’t just say Satan’s math scheme about a ball is the truth. That part is kinda off topic, but yeah, some people don’t even know that a rogue group within the United States and fake Zionist “Israel” are responsible. (NOT Jewish people) There’s a difference between people who think they are Jewish, the people who were the Israelites in the Bible, and those who say they are Jews but lie (like in the book of Revelation).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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