
Donald Trump #wingnut #racist meidastouch.com

Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions [and] insane asylums. We know they're terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we're witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It's poisoning the blood of our country. It's so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have. And I got to know a lot of the heads of these countries. They're very cunning people. Very street-smart people. If they're not street-smart, they're not going to be there very long. And when they send up those caravans, and I had it ended, we had the safest border in the history of our country, meaning the history, over the last 80 years. Before that, I assume it was probably not so bad. There was nobody around.

Project 2025 #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia damemagazine.com

Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

Sergei Markov #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

“Military theorists and historians know which army in Greece was the strongest, remember? The Spartans! They were united by a homosexual brotherhood. They were all homos. These were the politics of their leadership. I think they are planning the same for Ukraine’s Armed Forces,” Sergei Markov, a former adviser to Putin, said while appearing on Russian TV.

Markov said the U.S. and Ukraine will use “neuro-linguistic programming” and other brainwashing techniques to turn Ukrainian soldiers gay against their will. In reality, there’s no evidence that psychological methods can change a person’s sexual orientation.

“They have an artificial political science fascism created by American and British political technologists. They will turn them into zombies, into cult members. I think they will force some to become homosexuals,” Markov claimed.

“These renewed troops of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, zombified and unified through gay sex, along with cult members ready to sacrifice themselves. This is what they’re preparing for us in the spring 2025,” he added.

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #fundie mediamatters.org

So they didn’t turn the water on, things burned, this is the guy who told landowners they couldn't use water to fight the fires while the fires were still small. Is it because he believed that water was sacred and we must worship the water? Or is it because of equity, was it because there were certain peoples’ homes burning that he wanted them to burn?

They believe, in pagan Hawaiian culture, we must worship water, not life. Wokeism is just a return of an old god. The Bible was written as a refutation, it was obsessed with challenging this idea – specifically of Egypt. This is no different. You believe — they believed the Nile was holy. And they believe water is so holy that you can't use it to fight a fire? That’s what he’s implying here, well that same guy did not allow the release of the water. This is the one thing that is coming clear in Maui. And the media couldn’t care less, because I think they’re afraid of what they’ll find. That this is not climate change, not global warming, not carbon emissions. This is left-wing ideologues that allowed the island to burn. That there is blood on the hands of the water worshippers. Christianity broke us free of pagan slavery. So did the Hebrew Bible, by the way. Challenged this idea of worshiping the earth, that God is not in nature, that God created nature. Could it be that Maui did not have to burn if they didn’t believe such wacky, goofy, pagan stuff?

Matt Walsh #wingnut mediamatters.org

How would Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers respond to our government right now? And, obviously, the answer is they would violently overthrow it. Like, if our Founding Fathers were on the scene right now, January 6th would be a wakj in the park. It would be a picnic compared to what they would do. And they wouldn't even think about it. Like, if Thomas Jefferson came back from the dead and looked at our government now, he would turn to us, the citizens, and say, what are you people doing? You haven't invaded Washington yet and killed all these people? What are you waiting for? What's the problem here? What's the holdup, folks?

Just taxes alone. Alright? Not even taking everything else into account -- the giant behemoth central government which is, by the way, far larger and more powerful and more invasive than the government that the Founders rebelled against. They had significantly more freedom than we do now. It's not even close, actually… These guys rebelled over a tax on tea… think about that. A tax on tea. Well, we have -- we have taxes on tea. You know, if you go buy a Snapple or something, it's gonna be taxed. But we have a tax on literally everything. You wake up in the morning and you turn on your light, and you're already getting taxed, okay? You can't even get out of your bedroom before the taxes set in. You go into your kitchen and you pour your taxed coffee into your taxed mug, or if you prefer tea, that'll be taxed too. And you get in your car, which is taxed, and it's running on gasoline, which is taxed. And you get onto the highway that you pay a toll to even get on the highway in the first place, and you go to work. And you're getting taxed just to work. Your income is taxed before you even get your hands on it.

Thomas Jefferson would not even consider putting up with this. There'd be nothing to talk about. He'd be calling for an armed rebellion and insisting that the IRS building be -- be torched to the ground. That's what he would say. Like, that's the lineage of our country. These are the men who founded our country. That's the attitude they had. They weren't shy about violence, obviously. And they were much more, perhaps, we would say liberal in its application -- liberal, understood it in a different way -- than we are today. Just the fact of the matter.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

I haven't read the full indictment, the 45-page indictment against the 45th president, which was entirely on purpose. I mean, you begin to see that Jack Smith was selected because of his pettiness. That Merrick Garland picked this garbage, ugly, junkyard dog to prosecute and persecute Trump in the worst of ways. And this guy is just petty. He's — it's — one of the great things — and I'm just like kind of processing this out loud with you all — one of the great things about yesterday — and when I say great, they're all horrible.


But one of the great things about yesterday was finally — you know, I've been waiting — I've been waiting for six years, six or five years, for people to start sounding like me. And finally on Fox News, I heard multiple guests say, “This is the worst prosecution in American history. This is the worst — this is the worst legal case in American history. This is the worst.” And it is. It is. People don't like it when I say this is worse than the Civil War. This is worse. I mean, if you want to really put this in perspective, America has not had a traitor so traitorous to our country since Benedict Arnold. And I mean Jack Smith.

And on Twitter, they're all like, “Ali better be careful.” All these left-wing Twitter accounts, “Ali better be careful or Jack Smith's going to indict him.” Indict me. I don't care. I do not care, you know? And so I just — but like, you know, I don't know what offends me more. I don't know if I'm more sad that law and order is dead, or that it's obvious law and order's dead, or that the people are too stupid to know that law and order is dead. I really think it's the last one.

John Amanchukwu and Stephen Strang #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

John Amanchukwu: We are seeing those who support special interests push their agenda upon children… [letting kids have access to LGBTQ-friendly books in school is] indoctrination. I use that term often; oftentimes I call it grooming as well. But a more appropriate term for what’s taking place, Stephen, is that it’s mental rape. It’s mental rape because it assaults the soul, it stains the brain, and it robs children of their innocence.”

Stephen Strang: It’s also kind of normalizing this. You know, it used to be considered shameful. In fact, in our language, we called it “being in the closet.” So if people were like this, they hid it in the closet. I guess that’s where the term came from.

Candace Owens #wingnut #sexist #transphobia mediamatters.org

We're -- I mean, we are in a matriarchy. And this is why they accuse me of being an internalized misogynist because I'm able to think through and acknowledge the flaws of what happens in society when women get power.

And if you wanna know what happens, look around you. Women fall for emotional arguments the entire time. They show us a commercial, you know, show -- it's so sad, and before they get to the rational aspects of it, they're already invested emotionally. And I think that virtually every societal ill that we are facing today is because of women.

And I think the greatest recent example of that is the Bud Light controversy, because, I mean, trans people were just playing dress up as women, invaded every women's space, and women said, oh, but I feel bad. Because it's how he identifies at the inside, without thinking through the fact that you're quite literally disappearing yourselves. Right? You're quite literally saying, I will cease existing before I let this grown man who's wearing a wig have a bad feeling. That's insane.

Hank Kunneman #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Yeah, well, first of all, it would be easy for people to say, well, hey, you know, this is the weather. It's summertime. Well, yeah, it is summer. But when God tells you ahead of time what it's going to specifically be and he lists out that it's going to be in the hundreds and it is in the hundreds, and those specific numbers that he listed coincide with certain redemptive promises in the book of Psalms.

And we need to pay attention because in many places they've never had these temperatures. They've made records with the very things that are there. But here's what God said. He said, with the temperatures, it's going to be a reflection of not only the temperatures rising upon the nation, which we're seeing with the sound of justice, the movie people are saying, hey, we are angry at what they're doing to the kids. But also watch this. God's anger is rising and it's coming with justice. Now, it isn't just weather and here's why. There is a connection between the prophetic and weather. And I'll just give a couple quick examples. First, Kings Chapter 17; Elijah said at my word, it won't rain. So there you have a connection. But also you have Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 37, he was commanded by God to prophesy, not about the winds, prophesy to the winds.

And so God is giving us a sign in the weather of what he is doing and here's what he's doing. The temperatures are rising in the natural because it's a sign of God's rising of his temperature against the injustice. And did you hear what he said? It'll be a sign that America is being saved. And so we need to rejoice and keep praying for the innocent who are being affected by these temperatures.

Dilley Meme Team & “Trump’s Online War Machine” #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

If I was the deep state and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate, one that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it. I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots. I would be in charge of the ballot-counting machines. I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.

If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me. I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election. I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.

If I was the deep state, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a Democrat ever winning an election. I would imprison my foes. I would use my corrupt das and blackmail judges to destroy you. I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened. I would prosecute my biggest competition. I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.

If I was the deep state, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and women are men.

If I was the deep state, I would own every politician that mattered.

If I was the deep state, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.

If I was the deep state, you'd question your sexual identity, but not the medical establishment.

If I was the deep state, you would fear to ever resist me.

If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil.

If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #sexist mediamatters.org

Women in combat is a national scandal. It is a disgrace. It is a deep, deep shame and stain on our country. And I don't even hear the conservative politicians talking about this. Women in combat is a very recent phenomenon, as the lady just said in that commercial. And yet, we just totally gave up that fight. Why? Because we don't wanna be seen as disrespecting women who serve in the military. I have the utmost respect for women who serve in the military. I'm deeply grateful for their inclination to serve and sacrifice. But the military is not about individual desires. It's not even about individual ability. It's about cohesion and unity and national policy and who we wanna be as a nation. I have no doubt that's -- that there are a significant number of women who would valiantly go out and risk their lives and bodily integrity to go fight for America. I don't want them to do that. I think it's bad for America to send women into harm's way.

I think part of the reason that we have an army is so that we don't have to do that. I think it's disordered. I think that women are more nurturing. They're the weaker sex. They're the gentler sex. And a major reason to have a military is to protect them because boys need their mommies, and husbands need their wives, and societies need a nurturing feminine element. And when we're talking -- especially when we're talking about fighting a lethal force, we need to not be sentimental and not be absurdly ideological. We need to send out the toughest, strongest, brawniest fellas. The -- the reason to keep women out of combat is as much for the men as for the women. It's as much for the civilians as for the fighting force. And you need to say it. Even -- even moderate Democrats said this 10 years ago, and now the conservative right-wing won't say it.

Anthony Sabatini #wingnut msn.com

The only thing that’s good enough is completely and totally destroying the political left in this country. Destroy it. I’m talking about defunding government agencies, defunding bureaucrats, defunding government shools and going 100 percent private school like Florida’s making gestures at right now.

The truth is, we need to go so much further. We need to go so much further with our laws at the border. We need to extinguish the left.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #transphobia #fundie mediamatters.org

On the cultural front, a man like this should be ashamed to present himself in this way in public. We used to have standards and norms that discouraged perverted men like this from presenting themselves in these perverted ways, with the pink hair and the psycho affect openly talking about chopping up little kids. Men should be terrified to do that sort of thing. And if they have any of these absolutely perverted and sadistic desires, they should keep them to themselves and they should work on themselves and try to cast those demons out of their bodies. That's the cultural level of this, of course.

But then there is the even deeper level that I haven't heard a lot of people acknowledge, which is, this is yet another reminder that science is mostly fake. And not that scientism or the politicization of science or whatever other squishy language the more centrist, kind of, people want to grant. But the whole endeavor, the whole endeavor of the scientific revolution, the premise of which is that reality is fundamentally physical, that is flawed. It's not true. The modern scientific culture has given us certain nice things, but it's given us a lot of bad things as well, like transgenderism and transhumanism and skyrocketing rates of depression and anxiety and suicidality and a loss of the sense of meaning in this world and a neglect of the fundamental spiritual and metaphysical realities of this world. It's given us all those things. And it's also given us a ton of bogus scientific theory. Even taken on the plane of physical science alone, it's given us a bunch of bs. It's given us this notion that the world is gonna end in five minutes because of the sun monster and catastrophic climate change. That's -- that's a product of the scientific revolution. It's a product of a myopic, narrow, obviously mistaken world view where you plug in a bunch of models and, with all your genius people from Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Oxford, and they plug in their models and they say, oh, the world's gonna end in five minutes, and it's not true. And most people, even, who push these ideologies don't believe it.

Rand Paul #wingnut msn.com

The court ruled unanimously that the NCAA can’t invoke their rules. And so they’ve completely screwed up college athletes. We used to be proud – many of us loved watching amateur athletes who weren’t paid. Now everybody that plays basketball in college is gonna be driving a Bentley or a Rolls. I mean, we’re gonna be seeing rap stars instead of basketball stars. I mean, this is crazy.

And you know why it happened? Cause Congress sat around and said ‘Oh, well because of antitrust we can’t let the NCAA do it. It went to the court, and the court made the ruling – unfortunately, a unanimous ruling based on the law. So the law’s got to change.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #homophobia mediamatters.org

The inevitable logical conclusion of the pride movement was we're going to go into your kids kindergarten and we're gonna teach them wild ideologies about sex and gender and, not only the relations between the sexes and within the sexes, but even one's understanding of human nature itself. And people have just said enough, enough with that. The DeSantis campaign is capitalizing on this right now. And DeSantis is being pilloried, not just by the libs, but by the squishes on the right for an ad that people are saying is homophobic.

So, really leaning into this online sigma male, socially conservative, no, we're not gonna tolerate this rainbow pride stuff anymore… we're not going to enshrine special protections for this disordered view of human nature. We're gonna be nice to people. We're gonna tolerate things within reason, but no, we're gonna roll back the pride movement that's now made it all the way into your kid's kindergarten classroom.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy truthsocial.com


Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com



Shawn Farash #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #psycho mediamatters.org

The left has been hijacked, the Pride movement has been hijacked, the LGB community has been hijacked by pedophiles. Say it loud, pedophiles.

How long until we are just ready to -- and I'm not saying violence, folks. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying. What I am simply suggesting is that this ideology needs to be eradicated. And you have judges who are backing this up. We got a lot of work to do. A lot of work to do. These people are not your friends. They don't just wanna be tolerated. They don't just wanna be accepted anymore.

The point of the matter is leave the children alone, you sick and twisted monsters. This half naked dude, twerking for kids in Seattle. You got naked men on bikes. You got New York City Pride marchers wearing all sorts of weird stuff talking about, we're coming for your children. Is that a threat? Because I guarantee you, the people whose kids you're coming for, they probably like the Second Amendment a lot. And if you come for their kids, they're probably going to exercise their Second Amendment rights. I'm not saying to do it unprovoked. I'm not saying I wanna see it happen. I'm saying to you people, you have been pushing the envelope, don't push it any further because if you show up on doorsteps coming for the children, something bad's gonna happen and it will be in the full acceptance of the law at that point. We're not coming for your kids. You're overreacting. You're a bigot. Take those remarks and shove them up your backside, shove them right up the rump. We know you love to put stuff up there anyway. I say that all the time. You are disgusting.

Donald Trump #wingnut msn.com

Virtually everyone is saying that the Indictment is about Election Interference & should not have been brought, except Bill Barr, a “disgruntled former employee” & lazy Attorney General who was weak & totally ineffective. He doesn’t mean what he’s saying, it’s just MISINFORMATION. Barr’s doing it because he hates “TRUMP” for firing him. He was deathly afraid of the Radical Left when they said they would Impeach him. He knows the Indictment is Bull…. Turn off Fox News when that “Gutless Pig” is on!

Joe diGenova #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Welcome to Panama. When you see Joe Biden think, Noriega. These people are thugs running our government. This indictment by Jack Smith and the pretenders at the Justice Department and the FBI is a disgrace to the rule of law. What has happened tonight is an embarrassment to the republic and Jack Smith can shave his beard.


This is vengeance, unleashed retributive justice by a Democratic administration that is drunk -- drunk. They're on fentanyl with power. This is disgusting. It's an embarrassment to the history of constitutional government in this country, and everybody who believes and loves the Constitution should be sorrowful, embarrassed, disgraced by the conduct of Merrick Garland, Jack Smith and everybody involved in this process, including Christopher Wray.


Think Panama, think banana republic. You are looking at a thug. He is not the president of the United States. He is a thug and Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray are complicit in the thuggery that led to this indictment today. This indictment today is an embarrassment to the rule of law in the United States, and I hope that the American people understand clearly and unequivocally that what happened today is an assault on the Constitution of the United States.

Tucker Carlson #wingnut #racist msn.com

“Is white supremacy liking white people too much?” he asked with a straight face on “Tucker on Twitter.”

“White supremacists are America’s new child molesters,” he said. “We’ve got zero tolerance for white supremacists.”

After playing a clip of President Joe Biden denouncing white supremacy at Howard University, Carlson said:

“But what is it? That’s the question. Can anyone in authority actually define white supremacy? What is it? Is white supremacy liking white people too much? If so, that’s gonna put those of us with white children in a pretty tough spot.”

He continued in familiar territory:

“Or is white supremacy something much more obviously bad, like trying to expel all nonwhites from America and creating some kind of ethnostate? If that’s Joe Biden’s definition, what exactly is the scope of this threat?”

Michael Savage #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy #psycho mediamatters.org

The Biden administration, which is a terrorist administration tearing the country apart, ends its support for long-standing signed policies prohibiting individuals who are HIV positive from serving in combat zones. That was based on sound science. It was tied to the need for HIV medications, which are very costly, and the danger of cross-infection through shared blood in a foxhole. Thrown out the door. Gets worse. The Biden's chief of naval operations, so-called Admiral Michael Gilday – I don't know who the hell he is – decided to add a book how to be an antichrist, one of the leading source books on so-called critical race theory, which is an anti-white hate fest. And, in the book given to our naval men and women now, are reading saying capitalism is, essentially, racist and that to be truly anti-racist, you also have to be fully anti-capitalist.

One more piece of information for those of you out there who want to know why I say Rome did not pass away, it was assassinated, and we are committing suicide because of the LGBTQ and other far-left maniacs. They're looking at readings that are required at West Point right now. There are now slides labeled white power at West Point, Carl. Can you believe this? Now, if this goes on, I predicted 20 years ago in a not-so-joking way, like a Jonathan Swift, that if we don't stop these psychopathic haters, they will snap the crosses off the graves of our war memorials. How far away are we from someone saying all those crosses make me uncomfortable, and I want them snapped off the graves of dead soldiers. Who's gonna stop them, Carl?

I'll stop them. Know this, Carl. I've had enough. I've had enough. I'm an old man. But I'll tell you something, I'm willing to pick up arms. I can't take it anymore. I can't take this anymore.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy truthsocial.com


Lauren Boebert #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia twitter.com

Well, I guess North Face wanted to get a taste of what conservatives did to Bud Light and Target.

How many times do we have to explain to the woke marketing departments at these disgusting companies that America is not a nation of degenerates?

It’s time to boycott ANY product North Face has ever made.

Let’s make it as shameful to wear North Face as it is to drink Bud Light!

Jason Graber #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #psycho msn.com

“Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head,” Graber said. “They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. Okay, and then we can string them up above a bridge so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.”

“And so there should be no excuse to not put these people to death, no excuse whatsoever,” he added.

“These child molesters, that these child butchers, that these faggots, all the LGBTQ people, people that desire strange flesh, that they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government.”

Steve Deace #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Yes. Yes. Yes. Let Disney groom the kids. Let Disney groom the kids because, I mean, I've got a few Disney stock in my portfolio and I'm not rich enough, so, yes. Cut those genitals off, Disney, yes. Yes. I need that yield.


So there's Mike Pence the pious. Mike the Pious, jumping on Fox News to say, yes, Disney, trans those kids, pollute those kids, demonically influence those kids. Florida's GDP isn't good enough. Soul-rape those children, Disney, for my technocratic conservatism. Hell, literally, no. Hell no.


You're not only no threat whatsoever against the demonic spirit of the age, you will turn on us and turn us in, and that's who Mike Pence is. That's him.

Mark Levin #wingnut #psycho mediamatters.org

I will say this to Jordan Neely's family. I'm sorry you lost your son, but your son was a disgrace. Your son was threatening people. Your son had been in prison, repeatedly. Your son was on a bad track. Your son punched an old woman in the face. Meanwhile, this 24 year-old served his country as a United States marine. He's now going to be charged with second degree manslaughter, and God knows if it'll get worse. A good Samaritan -- a good Samaritan cannot be sure what's going to happen when he or she steps in to try and protect a subway car full of people. That chokehold that he had on Neely, to be honest with you, I've seen that chokehold when I watch MMA, particularly UFC. I've seen it. But the point is, if Neely hadn't been threatening, threatening other citizens on the subway car, none of this would have happened.


I'm sick of all these spoiled liberal white millennials who protest, who protest on behalf of tyranny. I'm sick of it. That's why I don't live among it. Not anymore. Every now and then, my wife or another family member says, let's go have dinner in Washington. I said, not me. I want nothing to do with Washington. There's a reason we live 40 miles away. I don't wanna go there. I don't wanna go into any of these cities. I just don't, because if somebody tries to hurt me or even more my wife or another family member, I'm not surrendering. And so, I know what'll happen -- something horrific, or if I manage to protect myself or family member, I'll lose everything. Because the system is not a just system -- system about equity, which means I can't win. Even if I'm the good guy, even if it's self defense. So I don't wanna live in a society like that. So I don't wanna be in those areas. I don't wanna be there.

Tim Pool #wingnut #conspiracy #racist mediamatters.org

So, I mean the first thing I just want to say before we get into any of the politics from either side is, we don't want [mass shootings] to happen, we want these things to stop. We need to figure out what the issue is in our society, in our culture. I genuinely believe it's dissociation. It is a dejected society where individuals don't know or care about each other and they seek validation or they seek to push some extremist ideology. And this whole thing creates a recipe for disaster.

And I'll put it simply, I think it's multiculturalism. And not the idea that people of all different types are holding hands under the rainbow, it's that you have different communities stacked on top of each other and next to each other with wildly different views and they don't like each other. And then people who are crazy will do crazy things.

But what ends up happening today, we have this story from the Daily Mail, “Revealed: Texas gunman staked out massacre mall to monitor peak times three weeks before killing eight and posting details on Russian social media alongside photos of Nazis, guns, and ammunition.” You see, here’s where we get into the PSYOP.

Will Cain and Greg Gutfeld #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Will Cain: I choose cult specifically as a word because [climate change] seems to be despite its invocations of science, this is a faith based movement that requires total dedication.

Greg Gutfeld: Also the thing is -- the line -- if you think something's really important, that's part of being in a cult. You will justify anything… Including, like, mass shootings. Like somebody shoots up a church -- it's because they have a greater idea that's usually racist or what not

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut msn.com

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) chewed out the gay president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, at a House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing yesterday, and Greene went so far as to say that Weingarten, an adoptive mother, is not a mother because she didn’t give birth to her kids.

“Are you a medical doctor?” Greene asked Weingarten. “Are you a mother?”

“What I’d like to talk about is your recommendations to the CDC as not a medical doctor, not a biological mother, um, and really not a teach either,” Greene barked at Weingarten.

“You have no business advising the CDC what the medical guidelines were for school closures,” Greene said, as if the CDC shouldn’t be hearing from the professionals affected by its guidelines. “The problem is, is people like you need to admit that you’re just a political activist, not a teacher, not a mother, and not a medical doctor.”

Konrad and Nancy Langlie #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

Fox is now part of the Big brother Government propaganda machine.. No reason to watch it anymore as it is no different from the rest of the mainstream media.

Another victim of the Garland FBI KGB. Criticizing the Biden dictatorships gets you erased. The biased corrupt Democrat judiciary rigged the case against FOX and sent a m3essage; there is no First Amendment in America anymore and freedom is dead.

China is pulling the strings in this Country on the very day we discovered Biden is giving China billions laundered through a fake UN climate fund.

Mark Levin #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

nd let me tell you something. Never before in American history has a president been indicted by a DA or an attorney general. It's never been tested. The truth is that you can't really indict a sitting president at the federal level. It's never been imagined at the state and local level, so why am I imagining it? Thanks to Alvin Bragg, he showed us how to do it against the next president, the leading Republican candidate for president.

By God, it's time for Republicans to fight back, to run on the edge of the Constitution, to see what they can do because we're going to lose the country otherwise. This corrupt president and his family are taking us under. This corrupt attorney general and this whole damn federal Department of Justice and FBI, they're out of control. We need local and state law enforcement to step up.

Donald Trump #wingnut msn.com


Marjorie Taylor-Greene #wingnut #transphobia twitter.com

This is terrorism, kidnapping, and extortion.


The trans movement is out of control and a danger to children and our society.

Transgender terrorists attacked Riley Gaines causing her to lock herself into a room for fear of her life.

Then they held her hostage and demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the San Francisco State University.

Riley IS a real woman and athlete and deserves respect, privacy in women’s spaces, and the right to compete in her sport against biological women only.

Trans women are NOT women and they already have the same human rights every single other American has.

Trans women ARE men and will NEVER be women, but they’re aggressively and dangerously trying to force themselves into real women’s places where they do not belong and are destroying women’s rights.

No amount of hate, screaming, intimidation, violence, school shootings, or anything else will ever force us to accept or bend to these sick, disgusting, evil LIES.

Greg Kelly #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

What are they talking about? What are they complaining about? Again, guns in America. Hey, good luck with that because how many guns in America are there, oh, by the way? Yeah, 415 Million firearms, okay? They're going to last us a couple of 1000 years even if you stopped every gun from ever being manufactured, this is not the answer. But they prefer this. Number one -- maybe they think they can win, but they don't want to talk about this right now, in this context, what I call our monster picture. This, to them, is a civil rights issue. This is a civil rights issue. And when a transgender mass shooter opens fire on children, well, that jeopardizes their agenda, doesn't it? Because for some perverse reason, they think this is wholesome. By the way, the real threat to democracy, to our way of life -- I'm sorry, just might be transgender individuals armed with guns. It's happening all over the place.

Michael Mormando #transphobia #wingnut #psycho msn.com

[[Note, slightly edited by me because the original quote uses some mispelling to get around MSN’s comment filters]]

This is all a show to boost China moral. "You see, roook how weak America is ahaha". However, the media Lies. Way more people disagree with this mass psychosis being pushed upon us.

These people, including many gov officials and hollywood, are oddly obsessed with OTHER people's children.. and what other people's children should be allowed to do and see. Massive Pedos.. and they don't generally have their own children either because they can't (because they're not humans anymore- as they identify as something else that is generally more sinister) or they have worries of "environmental strain from human life" If you feel this described you, you can always start by offing yourself to protect the environment or just stay away from other people's kids.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

Transtifa is organizing insurrections.

Biden wants to disarm Americans instead of ending gun free school zones.

The Yuan is rising and the dollar is falling.

Our border is invaded every day by people from 170 countries and deadly fentanyl is killing over 300 Americans daily.

And the Biden regime is arresting its political enemies daily.

President Trump has been indicted and tragically Douglas Mackey has been convicted for posting a meme.

Tucker Carlson #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Within what seemed like minutes, we saw pictures of the rifles and the pistol. We now have horrifying bodycam footage from within the school, so unsettling we're not going to show it to you. But somehow we can't see the manifesto in which the killer explains why she killed. Why is that? It's not accidental. Well you know exactly why it is. Because it would make the obvious undeniable. The trans movement is targeting Christians, including with violence. Most Christian leaders in this country don't want to admit that. Admitting it might force them to take deeply unfashionable positions. But it is true, and anyone who is paying attention knows that it's true, and so like most true things at this point, it is officially suppressed.


Yesterday's massacre did not happen because of lax gun laws. Yesterday's massacre happened because of a deranged and demonic ideology that is infecting this country with the encouragement of people like Joe Biden. Let's start by being honest about that.

Steven Crowder #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia mediamatters.org

[TikTok is] not allowed in China for different reasons, because all the trans, you know, infiltration that happens there where people want you to text them on TikTok, slide into their DMs so your parents don't know and they can encourage you to transition. They believe that will poison the minds of the youth in China.

So they don't allow it in China, but now they want to lobby the United States to allow it because they know the irreparable damage that it can do to young people.

The role of the government - certainly the one legitimate role is to protect its citizens both from exterior and interior threats, and I would say Chinese propaganda and some content that they won't even allow in their country because they've seen the studies, they know the irreparable damage. Yeah, I would say that that's a legitimate --that falls under the legitimate purview of government, to prevent and eliminate that threat. By eliminate, I mean the app.

Candace Owens #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Obviously, Dylan Mulvaney is not a little girl. If we lived in a sane society, we would all say it's not normal for somebody that is supposed to be a grown man to have a fetish because this is what this is. You're watching a fetish play out in real time about being a little girl. That's not normal. That is something that should scare us. That is something that if you see, you should not want around your young children. If my little girl was around a man that wanted to play dress up in little girl clothing, I would pull her away from him. I would probably call the police. This is -- in a sane society, we would say this is something that we cannot have. This would be a sign, right? People tell you that there's something wrong with them, you should listen to them. But no, things are upside down.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

It's so obvious that these guys fear Trump and want to do everything they can to prevent the people from having a choice -- that this is the silver lining of this whole storm cloud. The silver lining is that I think we can finally dismiss, once and for all, all the ridiculous piffle that the Democrats tell us about our sacred democracy. Our -- Donald Trump and the Republicans are a threat to our sacred temples of democracy, our cherished norms. We don't act like this in America. We are better than this. No, you're not better than this. You're breaking all the norms. You are undermining our allegedly sacred democracy. You're jailing your political opponents like a two-bit dictator in a banana republic, which some of us conservatives have observed for a long time. So, okay, that's how they want to play, fine. I do not want to hear it anymore about our sacred democracy or any of that other stuff. Don't want to hear it one little bit.

What should the Republicans do in response? I think that a Republican governor or, more precisely, I guess a Republican attorney general, should arrest a prominent criminal lib. There is no shortage of candidates of prominent liberal politicos who have committed crimes. Look around the Clinton circles. Look around the Biden circles. Look at Clinton and Biden themselves. Plenty of big criminal libs out there who have completely gotten off the hook. And there are plenty of Republican governors and attorneys general out there -- I think you would need a Republican governor as well as an attorney general, because if the attorney general indicts a big prominent criminal lib and there's a Democrat governor, the Democrat governor will apply political pressure or eventually, probably, just pardon the criminal lib. So I think you need to have a Republican governor there as well.

JK Rowling #transphobia independent.co.uk

Speaking on the latest episode of podcast The Witch Trials of JK Rowling, released on Tuesday 14 March, the author said that she had been aware of the backlash she might receive from fans of her work over her views on gender and trans rights.

“When I first became interested in, and then deeply troubled by, what I saw as a cultural movement that was illiberal in its methods and questionable in its ideas, I absolutely knew that if I spoke out, many people who love my books would be deeply unhappy with me,” she said.

“I knew that, because I could see that they believed that they were living the values I had espoused in those books. I could tell that they believed that they were fighting for underdogs and difference and fairness. And I thought it would be easier not to.

“I knew that this could be really bad and it has been bad personally, it has not been fun, and I have been scared at times for my safety and, overwhelmingly, for my family’s safety.”

She continued: “Time will tell whether I’ve got this wrong. I can only say that I’ve thought about it deeply and hard and long and I’ve listened, I promise, to the other side, and I believe, absolutely, that there is something dangerous about this movement and that it must be challenged.”

When asked what she would say to people who claim she’s become like the villains in her books, Rowling said: “I would say that some of you have not understood the books. The Death Eaters claimed, ‘We have been made to live in secret, and now is our time, and any who stand in our way must be destroyed. If you disagree with us, you must die.’ They demonised and dehumanised those who were not like them.

“I am fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement, that has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society.

“I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless, so I’m afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threats of loss of livelihood and threats to their safety.”