anoymouse coward#1930735
"Here's an example of your analogy perception fail.
The republic party says nobody can have an abortion because it's against my religion. Islam says
nobody can have an abortion because it's against my religion."
"There are some who argue that, there are also secular conservatives who argue that it's a human life and the first role of government is to protect human life from being destroyed by others,"
Funny then how all the anti choice opinions come from religious sources based on religious premises.
If such conservatives exist they are a flea on the religion dog. It's religion that drives the anti choice movement.
" there are also secular conservatives like me who think it is permissible in the first trimester when the fetus isn't developed enough to feel pain or experience the world in any meaningful way and is therefore not a human being and not within the role of the government to protect such life. I have no interest at all in religious opinions if they can't be articulated on secular grounds. "
And yet you copypaste from religious propaganda on the subject of gay rights. I wonder if you'll be any different regarding abortion.
"The republic party says gays can't have rights because it's against my religion. Islam says gays can't have rights because it's against my religion ."
"There is no significant portion of the Republican Party that literally believes "gays can't have rights". All you have is a disagreement over how marriage is defined"
You can't adopt because jesus/you can't get married
because Jesus/You can't file joint tax returns because Jesus/you can't inherit according to the tax code because Jesus(I see you didn't look up that SCOTUS decision as I suggested.)
And that's the legal lack of rights that conservatives have so far been able to retain in the current liberal society.(as of 2015 for current continuing persecution see North Carolina and Mississippi) I wasn't born yesterday. I know what conservatives were saying when gay was still illegal.
"and many on the libertarian side don't even believe government should be involved in marriage at all."
Libertarians are a flea on the conservative dog. Their opinions have no effect on Republic party policy debates.
"Gays aren't rounded up and thrown from the rooftops for being gay, in fact there is no better place to be gay in the world than in America,"
Yeah, liberalism has poisoned American society with gay rights. Or so I read on right wing websites.
" and yes I do mean better than Europe too. Europe's massive importation of Muslim immigrants and refugees is going to create an increasingly hostile climate for gays to go about their daily business. (Also a hostile climate against Jews, many of which are already leaving Europe. Good job, EU, NOT!)"
Next up - The jew-hating right wing parties vs the jew-hating muslim immigrants. I hope my Republic
convention popcorn supply holds out.
"How is the Republican Party taking away their rights? I missed the announcement that murder is now legal if the target is gay, I missed the mass confiscations of property, the abolition of voting if you're gay etc."
It's that liberal contamination of Christian American culture. "Politically correct liberal activist judges"
make the constitution apply to gays when the founding fathers clearly didn't orginally intend it.
"So this all comes to down a single issue that isn't even as clear as you think"
It's not a single issue. You clearly are not clear in your thinking.
" Gay marriage is not a straight forward issue because the legal concept of marriage is a combination of positive rights and negative rights. (Do you know the difference?) "
It is if your guidance comes from the giant man with a long white beard who lives on clouds.
Which you seem to, given your history of copypaste from religious propaganda.
Positive and negative rights is just a way of confusing people who refuse to accept the commands of the giant beard cloud man.
"It's even more muddy if you promote it internationally, I mean you're basically saying the taxpayer has to subsidize two people fucking (marriage does often come with tax breaks, housing benefits, health benefits etc.) none of these things are actual negative rights, they require other people to do stuff for you."
Then you can keep saying there should be no laws regarding marriage, and see how far that gets you with Cruz(or any other plausible Republic president) in the White House.
" The most you can do in a free society is to oppose coercion (for example anti-sodomy laws, totally unjustified), you cannot however force the rest of society to actively support gay relations if they don't want to or they have no reason to (like I don't, I don't want friendship registrations+benefits either, why would I want to pay for two people to be friends when they can just as easily do it on their own?)."
Then you should be very happy with the SCOTUS decision, argued for by liberals, that have the Conservative movement in a rage.
" At the very least this is best left to local communities rather than being bureaucratically decided by activist judges who invent rights that don't actually exist."
Like the right to commit sodomy in your own bedroom? That was affirmed by Lawrence verses Texas?
Saying anti sodomy laws are totally unjustified?
Condemned by the Republic party as judicial activists inventing rights?
" True rights precede government, so the idea that government grants rights is absurd. They're privileges not actual rights."
There are no true rights. The concept is a social concept of western society. It's not like gravity or energy that exists without anyone to understand it, it's an agreement between people in a society
on how to run their society. It has no more real world physical reality than Catholic theology.
"Plenty of valid alternatives have been proposed but you just keep ignoring them."
I've seen this nonsense a hundred times before. It doesn't make any more sense when you say it.
"I'd recommend googling Ben Shapiro's views on the matter, he explains it in a way that doesn't rely on religious arguments."
He copypasted the religious propaganda re evolution, so I'm not optimistic it will be any better on gay rights.
"The christian extremists and muslim extremists hate each other but they want the same things. "
"Figure it out what I would have responded."
I've been doing that all along. That's why you're so butthurt. I know what you're going to say before you post it.
I've already seen all the copypaste from the religious websites.