Cyrus A. Parsa #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot
China’s Communist Government has been attempting to build a God Like AI Machine stolen from Google’s Deepmind AI. They were able to do this with espionage, forced tech transfer, IP theft, plagiarism, and collaboration with Google. Their scientists, researchers, investigators have given the needed data to militarize this Artificial Super Intelligence forming technologies on the BRI.
Connecting a Machine like GOD Like Super Intelligence on BRI
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attempting to connect the Middle East, Africa, Far East and Europe to their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on the 5G network. By doing this China CCP can connect a machine God like AI to operate drones, machines, robotics, cybernetically enhanced soldiers and militarized initiatives that can dominate the worlds people with facial recognition, voice recognition and human targeting capabilities.
We have been working on your Families Behalf
The AI Organization and I have been disclosing earth shattering information publicly since August 24, 2019 to lesson the impact of threats on the worlds people. Yet, have experienced plagiarizing, stealing and slander and have a had a tough time securing all the threats because of it. Case in point the bio-weapon from China. We published this in Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, but no media would give us a platform to shift the public’s understanding in time to make the needed adjustments. This must change soon. As the skills we have is unmatched anywhere. Those not giving us the needed attention, are in fact hurting their own families prospects. Look at the world, could any government stop what happened, or whats coming next?