Anthony Migchels #wingnut #racist #mammon

David Icke asks: "Why are Governments borrowing money from private banking systems, and the population paying interest on the borrowing? Why aren't the Governments issuing their own currency interest-free?"

And next, he adds, really of central importance: "And lending it to the population interest-free, to go about their commerce, and go about their daily lives, creating opportunities and choices, that they would otherwise not have?"

And that is the essence that you, bizarrely, will hardly hear anywhere. No, it's not good enough for the Government to claw back money creation from the Banks. The credit issue must be solved. Usury must be solved.

And it is solved by providing normal people with interest-free credit.

It's really very simple, it's hardly brain surgery. But it is completely not understood. While it is absolutely completely vital.

It's not enough to moan about Usury, the basic demand for positive change must be formulated clearly, and that is what David has done here, and it's as good as unique, and that's why I'm pointing it out, it deserves attention.

Because it is Usury that is behind the debt bubble, the derivatives bubble. It is by paying our Usury that we pay for Communism and World Government, and all the other plagues that haunt us, the wars, all the evil ideologies, the destruction of our families.

And what we want is interest-free credit for the People.

And people who ignore this, are a waste of time. This is a fact. All the political constructs everywhere in the World, are dominated by Bankers, which is why people in politics will never discuss this...The same is true of most of the 'Alternative Media'.

The issue is all-important. It's stunning they manage so well to keep it out of the public mind. Just think of all the Gold Dealers who have been creating the popular support for the coming Gold/Crypto standard. And even large parts of the wider monetary reform movement, which is mostly too obsessed with government money creation, for instance.

Nick Griffin, cruelly maligned as some Nazi by the Communist media, but a man of at least some integrity, who led a Party that had people on board who understood quite well what war is ongoing against the working masses of the West, exposed how Zionist forces had offered him and his Party, the British Nationalist Party (BNP) millions if they would bash Islam and ignore Banking. They couldn't care less about what he did for the rest.

Here he exposes the fake Zionist outlets that the Bankers built up to undermine the British Nationalist Party, folks like the EDL, including Tommy, just another fake 'hero' paid by the Bankers.

This template is universal. All the pseudo 'populists' in Europe show this exact focus on Islam and ignoring of Banking. In Holland (Baudet and Wilders), Germany, with the AdF and its lesbian ex Goldman Sachs Banker leader, the Austrians. France, with the Zionist Le Pen, everywhere, there is no exception.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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