Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
January 6th was all about a highly CORRUPT ELECTION, which is the only thing the Unselects refused to investigate!

( @AlanJr )
@realdonaldtrump what about the political prisoners you abandoned in DC? January 6th was 100% about your grift!

( @squarebubble )
@realdonaldtrump The orange S.O.B. was in the perfect position to rectify it, but he ran off on AF One with his tail between his legs.

( @HaasDelgado )
@realdonaldtrump So why didn’t you talk about fraudulent elections in your speech???

( @TheRoyalRob )

Which really makes me question why any president would then turn the keys over to the people who stole it.

But in clown world anything is possible I guess.

( @SilverBull4HotLiberties )
@realdonaldtrump shut the fuck up, you traitor for the communist kikes that you are. You fuckin' fraud, PROUD mass murderer with your poisons, mass thief through central bank currency debasement in 2020, and Israel-firster. FUCK YOU, you lying sack o' shit. You're NO BETTER than the filth in the White House right now. You lying fuckin' scumbag. You should be embarrassed being so obviously sold out to foreign interests as you are.

Kanye 2024

( @GreyGhostJustice )
@SilverBull4HotLiberties @realdonaldtrump I agree with everything in your post but Kanye 24' Do you really think that nog gives a shit about whites? He is a Black Hebrew Israelite.

( @MotelandRVPark )
@realdonaldtrump You knew there would be fraud in 2020 election, but you did nothing to safeguard that election. You only have yourself to blame. Do you expect us to vote for you, after letting us suffer under Biden?

( @coltanaconda45 )
@MotelandRVPark @realdonaldtrump It was not PRESIDENT TRUMP that RIGGED and STOLE the election, It was the communist "deep state wealthy elite CABAL" their foreign operators that "pre programmed" the algorithms ("hacked") the voting machines", and their "enforcers" that made sure their "plan" to install "their CONTROLLABLE choice" would be successful, the SCOTUS "judges" would do "as they were told", refuse to look at the mountains of PROOF submitted, ,and ALLOW the FRAUD to continue. We are NOW a third-world communist controlled banana republic SHIT-HOLE.

( @Swbjamz )
@realdonaldtrump Donald never went to bat for the j6 patriots. It's a shame.



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